facebook / google calendar greyed out

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  • #1329007
    Daniel Berdal

    Ok, I’ve updated the plugin to 4.5.9 – unfortunately at least as of right now I’m still having the same issue.

    It says my license is valid, but under current usage it says 0 available.
    Server connection – “the server is not currently responding”

    Facebook, google calendar etc are still greyed out.

    Did the update you were expecting get released?

    Daniel Berdal

    Interestingly I logged into another site and it correctly showed 36/200 for the day. Then I logged back into the first site, and now it was correctly showing 36/200 as well.

    So, either it just re checked my API key, or it’s still not working consistently.

    I’ll check the status later today and tomorrow and report back if it seems to be working consistently.

    Daniel Berdal

    I still have an issue I guess- Under help it’s showing 36/200, but facebook/google/ etc are still greyed out on one network site, but are available on several other network sites.

    Clearly something is still not 100% right.


    Hi Daniel, we are definitely looking further into this. Can you tell me about the structure of your sub-sites? I saw the url structure for the example sites linked in your navigation, ex: https://oily.life/sprout-usa/. Are all sub-sites part of https://oily.life/ as the domain name? Or do you have different sub-domains, or does it use entirely different domains for some sites on the network)?

    Courtney 🙂

    Daniel Berdal

    I have around 75-100 sites that use custom (mapped) domains. The rest would be using the root domain oily.life/some-sub-site/ – It doesn’t necessarily seem to be a mapped domain issue. Yesterday when I was checking

    • oily.life/sprout-usa/ not greyed out
    • oily.life/garden-usa/ greyed out
    • oily.life/estate-usa/ which is mapped with mycustomoilysite.com/ not greyed out

    Today, all three of these sampled sites have facebook/ google calendar greyed out.
    I’ve noticed that when they’re not working they all say that the ea.theeventscalendar.com server is not responding. Could I be getting rate limited by your server since I’m making a lot of requests from the same IP address?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Daniel Berdal.

    Hi Daniel,

    I’m sorry you’ve had such a disruptive experience.

    I’ve noticed that when they’re not working they all say that the ea.theeventscalendar.com server is not responding. Could I be getting rate limited by your server since I’m making a lot of requests from the same IP address?

    That is a great hypothesis: with around 500 sites running from the same multisite network/the same IP address, this is a real possibility.

    While we look at options here, I wonder if I could ask you to dig out some data for us to look at (and if you are uncomfortable doing this/are unsure how, let me know and I’ll be happy to try and build a way to make it easier to obtain this – but if you have access to phpMyAdmin or a similar tool it ought to be pretty straightforward):

    • Your network will typically contain a lot of different sets of tables, one set per site
    • The usual form is for the tables relating to different sites to be distinguished by numbered prefixes such as wp_1_*, wp_2_*, etc
    • Would you be able to query within the options table for a number of different sites on your network and share the content of the cron option with us?
    • A sample of two or three sites that are running Event Aggregator would be great

    An example query (again, the wp_1_* prefix is likely to be different in your case for each of your sub-sites) to give you a better idea would look like:

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_1_options WHERE option_name = ‘cron’;

    Thank you!

    Daniel Berdal

    This reply is private.


    I appreciate you sharing this information.

    We’re examining the problem and your situation specifically and will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.

    While I absolutely appreciate you’ve already been waiting some time for a solution, please understand there may be a further delay while we get this the specific attention it needs.

    Daniel Berdal

    Hi Barry,

    Do you have an idea on how long it might take to get a fix prepped for this? I have a number of clients who have been waiting on a fix, and It would be helpful if I could give them a timeframe.


    Hi Daniel,

    I’m afraid I’m not able to provide a timeframe.

    We haven’t yet determined the source of the problem: it could be an issue on our license key server, or our Event Aggregator server, or within the client code that interacts with those services that we ship within The Events Calendar itself.

    As soon as we figure that out we’ll be better placed to determine when the fix might be released, but we’re not at that stage just yet and – generally – we’re unable to commit to any specific release dates.

    I’m sorry for the delay and disruption and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

    Daniel Berdal

    Well, if you’re having trouble replicating the problem, I’m happy to give you access to development site.


    Thanks Daniel – we appreciate the offer and may take you up on that (I’ll get back to you if so).



    Just wanted to share with you that a new maintenance release is out, containing a fix for this issue ?

    These are the improvements shipped for Events Aggregator this release:

    • Fix – Avoid Event Aggregator previews or scheduled imports being marked as failures.
    • Fix – Fixed an issue that would sometimes render Event Aggregator options invalid even with a valid license.
    • Fix – Fixed an issues where Event Aggregator scheduled imports could not run other than manually.
    • Tweak – Improve Event Aggregator message regarding Facebook token expiration.
    • Tweak – Support importing from URLs (Event Aggregator) where the protocol hasn’t been specified by defaulting to HTTP.
    • Tweak – Added filter: tribe_aggregator_meta_source to filter the Event Aggregator import source.
    • Tweak – Added filter: tribe_events_linked_post_meta_values_{$current_linked_post_meta_key} for filtering the array of values retrieved for a specific linked post meta field.

    Find out more about this release → https://theeventscalendar.com/maintenance-release-week-21-august-2017/

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for you,

    Daniel Berdal

    Upon initial testing everything looks good. I rolled out the update to my production site yesterday evening and it appears to have solved the problem. I’ll update if the problem persists.


    Excellent, thanks for letting us know 🙂

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