Events Tickets is not showing assistant info

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  • #1245993


    I have an event with 4 kind of tickets and all of them with required “Assistant Information”.
    My situation: The 4th Ticket has the required info as you can see in attached image: TicketsUI.png

    The data about this ticket is in the Database as you can see in: TicketsDB.png

    But in the Assitent page none of the 4th ticket is showing as you can see in the attached image: TicketsReport.png

    What I need to do so this page shows me the assitant info of the 4th ticket?


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Gabriel.
    Zach Tirrell


    I think you are experiencing a bug we currently have with our custom Attendee information. We are hoping to a have a resolution for this in our next maintenance release.

    Since you shared a screenshot of a database, perhaps you can help me with something. To verify my suspicion, can you query the database for that same meta key, but also get the post types?

    SELECT meta.*, p.post_type FROM wp_postmeta meta
    JOIN wp_posts p ON meta.post_id=p.ID
    WHERE meta_key = '_tribe_tickets_meta'

    I suspect you’ll see a ‘shop_order’ entry that contains the missing meta, but no associated ‘tribe_wooticket’ entry that goes with the individual attendee. However, for the ones that are working correctly, you will see both of these entries.

    If that is the case, I’m hopeful we’ll have a fix out for this soon.

    Zach Tirrell


    I think you are experiencing a bug we currently have with our custom Attendee information. We are hoping to a have a resolution for this in our next maintenance release.

    Since you shared a screenshot of a database, perhaps you can help me with something. To verify my suspicion, can you query the database for that same meta key, but also get the post types?

    SELECT meta.*, p.post_type FROM wp_postmeta meta
    JOIN wp_posts p ON meta.post_id=p.ID
    WHERE meta_key = '_tribe_tickets_meta'

    I suspect you’ll see a ‘shop_order’ entry that contains the missing meta, but no associated ‘tribe_wooticket’ entry that goes with the individual attendee. However, for the ones that are working correctly, you will see both of these entries.

    If that is the case, I’m hopeful we’ll have a fix out for this soon.


    Hello Sack
    Sorry I dont understand where search the tribe_wooticket entry but here are the screenshots of the query for one of the orders .
    I hope this helps.


    The complete Meta Value!


    The complete Meta Value jpg!


    I dont know why this image cant be added.. Here is the data:

    a:2:{i:11669;a:1:{i:0;a:9:{s:20:”nombre-s-asistente-1″;s:28:”Alejandro Echavarría Mejía”;s:40:”nro-identificacion-cc-ti-del-asistente-1″;s:8:”NNN”;s:21:”distancia-asistente-1″;s:3:”10K”;s:20:”nombre-s-asistente-2″;s:21:”Philip Vélez Morales”;s:40:”nro-identificacion-cc-ti-del-asistente-2″;s:8:”NNN”;s:21:”distancia-asistente-2″;s:3:”10K”;s:20:”nombre-s-asistente-3″;s:22:”Julián Alberto Osorio”;s:40:”nro-identificacion-cc-ti-del-asistente-3″;s:8:”NNN”;s:21:”distancia-asistente-3″;s:3:”10K”;}}i:11675;a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:36:”horario-recepcion-rango-minimo-de-4h”;s:13:”08:00 – 17:00″;s:47:”si-tienes-porteriarecepcion-se-puede-dejar-alli”;s:28:”Si tengo y SI pueden dejarlo”;s:31:”comentario-para-el-domiciliario”;s:60:”Edificio Forum Calle 7 El poblado.”;}}}

    THe info tha is not showing is this:
    a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:36:”horario-recepcion-rango-minimo-de-4h”;s:13:”08:00 – 17:00″;s:47:”si-tienes-porteriarecepcion-se-puede-dejar-alli”;s:28:”Si tengo y SI pueden dejarlo”;s:31:”comentario-para-el-domiciliario”;s:60:”Edificio Forum Calle 7 El poblado.”;}

    Zach Tirrell

    Thanks Gabriel. I’ll be back in touch soon.


    Please help me… Our event is this week…
    I need the list of participants with the custom Attendee information.

    Please give the SQL sentence to get this info in a query so I can paste it to an Excel.

    Thanksss.. It’s urgent!!!!!!



    I wanted to post a quick note here that we have published a new Maintenance Release today that should address some of the problems with the Attendee Information reported in this thread.

    You can read about the details of this release here →

    I hope this update helps!

    If issues persist, open a new thread in the forums and be sure to include your site’s complete, un-edited “System Information” as per the instructions in this knowledgebase guide.



    The issuee is not fixed and the info of assistents is neeeded today

    I’ll create the new thread


    Thanks for doing that, Gabriel. It looks like Cliff is now helping you here and so I’ll close this topic.

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