Event time displaying wrong on frontend

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  • #1613747
    Wendy Limauge

    Some of my events are showing the wrong times. I didn’t notice this until when adding new events yesterday from Imported events that were not Facebook iCal. They were imports from other Event Calendars or sites.

    On the backend they show correctly but on the frontend the times are all off. I updated the Time zone database since it had the button to do an update but it is still the same.

    After much trial and error I found that it is related to the Events Aggregator add-on. If I add events manually they show the correct time. If they are imported they show correctly on the backend but incorrectly on the frontend. The reason for this is the Aggregator is using the UTC time and not the time I have added into WordPress, which in my case is America/New York

    Will there be an update or fix for this add-on?


    Hi, Wendy. Sorry you’re experiencing this.

    Could you please send me a screenshot of the imported event, both in wp-admin and a link to view the event on your site.

    Finally, please also provide the iCalendar source of the event you share so I can see its source.

    Thank you.

    Wendy Limauge

    This reply is private.

    Wendy Limauge

    Is there any solution for this? I don’t even know how to go back and fix all of the events that were imported and now I have wrong times out there for the public.


    Here’s what I experienced trying to import that event from their site: https://cl.ly/7fe1527a6c7a

    If your site is not operating the same as demonstrated in my video, and since others haven’t been reporting this same issue, I’d suggest following these recommended troubleshooting steps for your own site:

    There might be some new updates available. Could you please make sure all your Modern Tribe plugins (and WordPress core) are at their latest versions?

    Once you verify you’re on the latest versions, please test to see if the issue is still happening for you.

    You might also see if you can spot any console errors at your site. (If needed, you may reference our KB article Using Google Chrome Developer Tools.)

    Whenever troubleshooting, it’s best to edit your wp-config.php file to enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG (which will create a file on your server at /wp-content/debug.log if there are any WP_DEBUG messages) and share any debug messages you see while trying to replicate this issue and doing other things on your site relevant to this ticket (such as visiting your site’s home page, events page, single-event pages, and anything else you can think to do).

    If there’s nothing obvious (such as a console error or WP_DEBUG message) pointing you to what might be the problem, please follow our Testing for Conflicts Guide (basically switch to Twenty Seventeen theme and deactivate all plugins and custom code other than Modern Tribe plugins) and see if that helps narrow down the cause of this.

    Note that https://wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-detective/ may prove helpful as well. (third-party, not guaranteed or supported by us)

    Of course, we always recommend restorable database and file backups as well as performing modifications first on a staging site before modifying anything on your live/production site.

    If you still need assistance with this, please re-share your System Information (while in Testing for Conflicts Mode) in a Private Reply.

    That will give me a lot of extra information to help troubleshoot this.

    Let us know what you find out.


    Wendy Limauge

    Thank you for making the video. The events are importing the way you show them. However, I wonder if the problem is the fact that I have my site setup to New York Time and their site, and others, maybe have it set to UTC time.

    I have the calendar Time zone mode to “use the site-wide time zone everywhere.”

    There’s only one error that comes up on the calendar pages and I don’t think it’s related.

    Failed to set referrer policy: The value ” is not one of ‘no-referrer’, ‘no-referrer-when-downgrade’, ‘origin’, ‘origin-when-cross-origin’, ‘same-origin’, ‘strict-origin’, ‘strict-origin-when-cross-origin’, or ‘unsafe-url’. The referrer policy has been left unchanged.

    I don’t really plan on using the Importer much anymore since it doesn’t work with Facebook so I could disable it but my problem now how to go back and figure out which events were imported and which I posted manually so I can manually fix those times


    The import should be correct. If you then adjust the date, time, or time zone, that could cause it to be incorrect.

    I also saw your imported event was recurring, and Event Aggregator does not import recurring events, so I’m guessing you manually turned it into a recurring event.

    https://gist.github.com/cliffordp/63f285cf719eda762b3349bdf03401f9 is a snippet that you could alter (remove the “_uid” and “_tribe_aggregator_origin” parts) as you need for your querying.

    Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this topic.

    Wendy Limauge

    I didn’t change the time on the events at all and didn’t make them recurring. That is how they came in.

    The code you gave me is to fix it for future imports right? My issue now is all of the events out there with wrong times. How do I fix those?


    If an event on your site is part of a recurrence series, it didn’t come from Event Aggregator; it isn’t able to import recurring events into a series, whether from iCal or another The Events Calendar site, as it says in our KB article: https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/creating-hub-site-event-aggregator/

    The code I provided you is helpful for a temporary way to identify imported events. I believe the wp-admin list of Events also has an “Imported” filter alongside “Published”, “Trashed”, etc.

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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