Event organizers not imported anymore

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  • #1405275

    Hi Victor, Hi András,

    my site was updated to 4.6.7 but there still seems to be no import of organizers. Check the following event


    it was last imported today from the following stream


    Should this be working now?


    Hi Matthias,

    Importing organizers indeed should be working. I have tested your scenario and it does not, which is sad and I apologize for this.

    I will signal this to our devs so they can take another look. Please hang in there.

    Thanks and cheers,


    Hi András,

    as you can imagine I am rather unhappy with the way this has been handled by you guys so far. Its been weeks and weeks of hang in there. Please tell me at least if you are not able or willing to fix this, then I can start looking around for a different solution.

    Otherwise please give me something I can work with. I decided for a plugin that is rather costly because I thought I could expect better support from you.
    I would even suggest to my client to pay one of your developers to fix it, even though this is clearly a bug on your side. If you like you can give me a quote for that.

    This has been more than three month now, please start doing something. Also please start communicating in a way that is not just “hang in there”.


    Hallo Matthias,

    I understand your disappointment and I’m really sorry that a bug is still affecting your and your site.

    Our team is more than willing and able to fix this issue, just like many others. We do try to address all issues in a timely manner. As you can imagine it is a difficult task to prioritize between the issues and reports we receive from our community.

    I would even suggest to my client to pay one of your developers to fix it, even though this is clearly a bug on your side. If you like you can give me a quote for that.

    Yes, this is a bug on our side and we will fix it as soon as possible. I will take the issue to QA team to see if we squeeze this one in still in January. I will let you know as soon as I have an answer.

    Unfortunately we cannot take on development projects like this one. In case you need some help with a custom development in the future you can turn to this list of independent developers who are not affiliated with us.

    We do appreciate you choosing our products and sticking with us for so long. I’ll still get back to you soon on the status of the fix.



    What I still wanted to share with you is a workaround.

    If you download the ICS file to your computer, and then import it to the website as an ICS file, then the organizers will get imported.

    You shouldn’t need to delete the already imported events. If you imported the feed before and then import the ICS file, then your events should be updated with the organizer.

    I did the following test today and worked:

    • Import the feed (http://seminar-eins5.de/data/EATH/EAD.ics) as “iCalendar”
      • Events and venues are imported. Organizers are not imported.
    • Save the above feed on my computer as an .ics file.
    • Import the saved .ics file as “ICS file”
      • Organizers were added to the already existing events.

    Hope this helps.



    Hi again.

    This feels a little ironic by now as I kind of know the answer, but I’ll ask anyway: have you been able to proceed with this issue? In your last post you promised to get back to me ‘as soon as you have an answer’ – certainly I never got one.

    Can’t you see how utterly annoying it is to be told to be patient without having the slightest idea of how long? This can’t really be your idea of customer relations, can it?

    If the import of an ics-file works and the http import doesn’t it must be pretty easy for you to analyze and debug the situation. Please do it and please tell me when I am to expect a solution.


    Hello Matthias,

    I’m really sorry about this long waiting time. I see you reported this issue more than 3 months ago. I can understand how frustrating it must be for you to wait without any end in sight.

    I still keep to my promise of getting back to you when there is news. Unfortunately there is none yet.

    I have flagged this issue to my manager on January 9 – when I last wrote to you. At that point the development of the upcoming maintenance release was already under way and we couldn’t fit this one in any more.

    I hear you and your need. I will flag this again now and will try to make sure this one gets fixed with the MR after the current one. That will come out in about 3 weeks. This is the best estimate I can give you at the moment.

    The scoping for that MR will happen probably later this week. When that is done I will be able to tell you whether this will be included as well. I will keep my fingers crossed and will do all I can to get this in.

    Freundliche Grüsse



    Hello Andras,

    I am sure you’re doing everything you can – but I am also sure by now that the support at Modern Tribe is everything else then well organized.

    Anyways, it’s been over three month of begging for support now. Two days I decided to at least develop a hack that would automate the ICS workaround you proposed. If anyone here is having the same problems as me it might be of help, that’s why I want to share it. It’s not a real fix to the underlying bug. I would still appreciate it if it would get fixed by Modern Tribe.

    The idea of the hack is: manual ics import of organizers is still working, so why not download the ical streams as a file to WordPress and start the ‘manual’ import automatically? So this functions, that can be added to the functions.php do exactly that. Hooking into the 15 min cron job of Modern Tribe it checks the scheduled ical imports, grabs the one that has not been imported the longest, downloads it and tells Event Calendar to import the file manually.

    Have been testing this intensively during the last two days and just went to the production site with it. Feel free to use it. It’s a hack, so code-wise it’s not the beauty I would like it to be.

    As syntax highlighting is not working too well here and I cannot upload php files I’ll give it to you as https://pastebin.com/aSXyeX7M


    Hello Matthias,

    Thanks for sharing your solution with the community. I’m sure this will be helpful until we fix that bug. Your contribution is much appreciated!

    As you might have seen, we were out the last week and are trying to pick up the pace in the forums and in the fixes. I’ll keep you posted when there is any development.



    Hi There!

    Just wanted to share with you that a new release of out plugins is out, including a fix for this issue.

    Find out more about this release → https://theeventscalendar.com/release-event-tickets-4-8-event-tickets-plus-4-8/

    We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience while we worked on this.

    As always, we suggest to setup a dev/staging site so you can make all plugin updates without disrupting the live site.

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for your site.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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