Customizations to single-event.php no longer in effect

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  • #1326137

    Good evening –

    I had a weird issue with the Event Calendar Pro today that may be related to the recent update, but I’m unsure. Last week, I copied single-event.php into my child theme and made some changes to the display of information [eliminating the top title, “start” and “end” times, and knocked out the details box]. It worked perfectly. While working on my site, today, I noticed the events seem to have reverted and were again showing the information I’d knocked out.

    When I check my “what the file” [plugin] on the page, it no longer shows “single-event.php”, but now references the “page_blank_noheader_template.php” file [which was configured in the Display Settings area – events template].

    I thought the settings might have been changed with the recent update, so I attempted to change the events template to another option. It didn’t fix the problem, but while doing so, I lost the entire front-end calendar. All of the events were in the dashboard, but couldn’t be viewed on the front end and “” served up a 404.

    I’ve restored a backup from this morning and everything is cool again [I have the front end calendar], but the single-event display doesn’t seem to be pulling in single-event.php, as none of my customizations are in place.

    I’m curious if the update changed the file structure or something? Any help would be great. I’ve been going crazy trying to figure it out and thought it best to ask the experts in case it’s something simple I’m overlooking.

    Sorry for the wall of text, just trying to give as much of as possible. Thank you so much for an incredible plugin!


    Thanks for your detailed question.

    I’d suggest making a new copy of /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/single-event.php and putting it in the location specified in the comments in the top of that file:

    Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at [your-theme]/tribe-events/single-event.php

    If single-event.php doesn’t load when on a single event, like, then I’d suggest following these recommended troubleshooting steps for your own site:

    There might be some new updates available. Could you please make sure all your Modern Tribe plugins (and WordPress core) are at their latest versions?

    Once you verify you’re on the latest versions, please test to see if the issue is still happening for you.

    If it is, please follow our Testing for Conflicts Guide (basically switch to Twenty Seventeen theme and deactivate all plugins and custom code other than Modern Tribe plugins) and see if that helps narrow down the cause of this.

    Of course, we always recommend restorable database and file backups before modifying anything on your site.

    If it doesn’t, please enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG (which will create a file on your server at /wp-content/debug.log if there are any WP_DEBUG messages) and share any debug messages you see while trying to replicate this issue and doing other things on your site relevant to this ticket (such as visiting your site’s home page, events page, single-event pages, and anything else you can think to do).

    Then, please share your System Information (while in Testing for Conflicts Mode) in a Private Reply. That will give me a lot of extra information to help troubleshoot this.

    You might also see if you can spot any console errors at your site. (If needed, you may reference our KB article Using Google Chrome Developer Tools.)

    Let us know what you find out.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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