Custom Sidebars on diffent Pages?

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    Hey Everyone,
    i use the x-Theme Themes for my WordPress Site and want to use your Extension.
    The Search in their Supportforum explain People to use specified Sidebar Addons like “custom Sidebar” eg.

    I’m really confused how to realize seprated Sidebar for “Event Details, “Map Views” and so on.
    You hopefully understand what i want to have. – Diffent Sidebars on the Events Calendar Plugin Pages.
    Is there a PLugin-Extension for this?

    Please not to much code, i can’t implement it finally.



    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks for reaching out! It appears that your theme includes support for custom sidebars on specific posts or pages, as seen here:

    Defining your custom sidebars in this way should allow you to add any desired The Events Calendar or Events Calendar PRO widgets to your pages. However, it’s worth noting that only our existing widgets can be added to sidebars without delving into custom code. For more information on our available widget options, you can refer to our Knowledgebase documentation here:

    I hope that helps to get you started! 🙂 Thanks again, and let us know if you should have any other questions or concerns!


    Hy Caroline,
    Thank you so much for your fast response 🙂

    I understand your Solution with creating sites and input some Events Calendar / Pro widget, but i don’t really know how to realize the dynamic “Detail Event Page” with this Solution.
    There isn’t a clear Single Page called “Single Event” or something like this to modify.
    Or is there a shortcode for a single event i missed out to put it in my Theme Solution for creating a page?

    For my Sidebar issues i also ask the Themeco Support Team but the unlimited sidebar don’t work here, and i waiting for their response 🙂

    And another last question, are their some Theme Templates eg. css codes for single page custom deisgns for calendar?
    I thought i want to buy it, if i finally understand all the incredible function and would pay for this if there also some custom layouts or some help to create some 🙂

    Kind Regards form germany and sorry for my englisch fails 🙂


    Sorry its me again,
    let me ask a clear question about customizing the Plugin Theme.

    Can you help me to realize a Style like this as a Pro User?

    I know there is a nearly same Style in mobile view and the user Jeremy ask yesterday nearly the same question:

    I love the mobile view with dots eg. colored dots with “category colorizer” Plugin and want show the events left or right next to the Calender.

    Apologize my many question in “pre-sale” 🙂


    Hi Stefan,

    Thanks so much for following up–no worries at all! We’re more than happy to answer any questions that you might have! 🙂

    If you’re looking to make changes to the single event template for our plugins, we do offer template files that can be modified in the same way as any other WordPress theme file. You can learn more about these files and best practices for making customizations in our Themer’s Guide:

    Customizations of this type can be used to achieve nearly any styling that you’d like! However, template modifications do require some familiarity with PHP and CSS code, and our support team is not able to assist with these types of customizations (even for premium users). If you’re interested in adopting custom styling for your site but aren’t comfortable with writing code, you may wish to reach out to a third-party developer for further assistance. We maintain a list of customizers on our Knowledgebase who work with our plugins and are happy to take on custom projects such as yours!

    Let me know if you should have any other questions or concerns here! 🙂 Cheers, and thanks again!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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