Continued – events are being listed twice sometimes three times

Home Forums Calendar Products Event Aggregator Continued – events are being listed twice sometimes three times

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  • #1154063
    joe farwell

    Hi George – for some reason our thread was closed out and I really need to get this issue fixed. So I’m going through everything you are suggesting now.

    The system status is below – thanks for giving me the plugin advice I’m going to try this and also have them set up a test event – I just thought of this. Could it be duplicating because the website is set to not be crawled by search engines? (probably not but thought I’d throw that out there)


    Hi and welcome back!

    I spent some time reviewing the conversation you had with George about the issue. Wow! Sounds like quite the headache! Please let me know the results after testing as George laid out for you in his last response. If that doesn’t work, please send over current screenshots of your Facebook Import Settings found under Events > Import and Events > Import > Facebook. Please include a link to your current test environment and a list of the Facebook Page/Event IDs you’re having troubles with too.

    Are you able to test with your site reverted back to the default WP theme and all plugins other than ours deactivated as outlined in our Testing for conflicts guide? I see you checked ‘Yes’ for this, but I always like to make sure! Please let me know about the results in a direct matter as it’s essentially one of the most important steps in the process.

    With all that said, I really don’t think the duplicate events is related to the search engines crawl. Thank you for your continued patience while we work to resolve this and have a wonderful rest of your day. Cheers!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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