Checkout using Ticket Plus stopped working (no e-comerce)

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  • #1556534
    Micha McLain

    Thank you for the acknowledgement of the issue! Glad we’re making some headway. I assume this is being handled as high priority on your end – do you happen to have an ETA when we can see some updates and a solution?



    We can’t guarantee anything, but our plan is to deliver a fix along with a set of other updates by the end of this week.

    If for some reason we can’t include it in our next release, we’d aim to follow up as quickly as we can with a further release to address this specific issue.

    Micha McLain


    The end of this week will be roughly 3 weeks without these payment/booking working and we only have a maybe. This is just one disappointment after another here.

    I would understand the length of this ticket, the slow turn around, the lack of experience in troubleshooting from a junior support staff, running me through things and re-questioning things already answered, and after finally admitting it’s your fault and a patch will “maybe” come this week… if this were some minor design or maybe even a medium level issue.

    However, this is neither. It should be high priority because it is DIRECTLY effecting this client’s revenue stream! I bet you would have all hands on deck if some code bug was messing with your revenue stream, but your clients don’t get the privilege or priority here?

    As a developer myself, I have to deal with support and sometimes we mess up too. This I get. But we are one mistake after another here and now we can’t even get a solid turn around time?

    On this same note, you should really have a priority system like low, medium, high, etc. to classify these tickets and this one, should be high since it’s effecting revenue.

    Please try to give me something more solid. Our client is asking and is getting sick of hearing “we’re waiting on Tribe to give us an answer”.




    Our intention is to release a fix this week — I can assure you we’re working hard to accomplish this and everything is on track at this time. However, despite our best efforts, there is always a possibility that unexpected events may delay the release.

    Right now there’s no reason to think that will happen and my expectation is that the fix will be available within the next couple of days, but the fact is that releases are susceptible to delay (and individual features or fixes can at times be postponed). Infrequent though things like this may be, it still means I cannot offer you a cast-iron guarantee of resolution this week.

    Again, to be clear, things in relation to this bug are progressing well and if they continue to do so you and your client will have a fix available shortly.

    On this same note, you should really have a priority system like low, medium, high, etc. to classify these tickets and this one, should be high since it’s effecting revenue.

    Bugs are indeed prioritized and the ticket associated with this conversation is at the highest priority.


    Hi There!

    Just wanted to share with you that a new release of our plugins is out, including a fix for this issue.

    Find out more about this release β†’

    We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience while we worked on this.

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for your site.

    If you have missing orders for some of your previous ticket payments, then you can generate them by re-sending the PayPal IPN notifications. To do this, navigate to your IPN notification history (Profile and Settings > My selling tools > Instant Payment Notification > IPN History Page).


    Micha McLain


    Thank you! I’ll be giving this a test as soon as I can. I’ll reply back here with what I discover. I appreciate the update before this week’s end – now let’s hope it works!


    Thanks – do let us know πŸ™‚

    Micha McLain


    So, this update DOES fix the issue. I appreciate your team finally getting on this release so we can get this out to our clients.

    I trust that the issues with this ticket and how it was handled so poorly, wasting weeks of precious time in which my client wasn’t able to operate, will be addressed.

    I’m marking this issue as resolved. Have a great day.



    Have a great day, Micha … and, yes, we’ve certainly identified a number of areas in our process where we can improve.

    I’ll go ahead and close this topic, but of course please don’t hesitate to post new ones as needed should any other issues arise.

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