Calendar stopped loading!

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  • #1549304
    Citizen LocalMotive

    Suddenly the calendar is entirely blank. There is nothing:

    I updated the plug in this morning without checking first whether it existed before and after the update. I also installed W3 Total Cache, but I had not yet enabled any of its features or tools when I noticed the calendar went down. I deactivated and deleted W3 Total Cache, but the calendar did not reappear.

    Please help soon!

    Thank you.

    Citizen LocalMotive

    I went through the steps at this site to totally uninstall all traces of W3 Total Cache and calendar still does not work.

    Uninstall W3 Total Cache The Right Way

    Citizen LocalMotive

    I do not think the problem is W3 Total Cache incompatibility. The calendar side bars events list are working. Is there something wrong with your short code with the latest update.

    We are using: [tribe_events view=”month” ]

    Citizen LocalMotive

    It appears to be the short code that is not working because the link still works.

    Please fix!

    Citizen LocalMotive

    I got a work around going by using your events link rather than the short code. But I don’t like this because it doesn’t allow me to customize my calendar page and provide different links on it versus the “submit an event” page and other calendar pages. I also have a lot of dead links floating around out there right now that I don’t have time to fix this morning. What a disaster.

    Please fix whatever happened to your short code in today’s update soon.

    Thank you!



    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Unfortunately, I’m not able to replicate the issue that you are experiencing with our shortcode, as it appears for me as expected.

    As a first troubleshooting step, could you please provide us with your complete system information in a private reply using the instructions found in the following link?

    In the meantime, let’s try to rule out if there is some type of conflict at play.
    This is usually because of:

    • A conflict with another plugin
    • A conflict with your WordPress theme
    • A template customization for the Events Calendar that requires updating

    When it comes to that type of issue, it is preferable to troubleshoot in a staging environment if you have one.

    A first quick test is to simply temporarily revert back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-sixteen to see if the issue persists.

    The next step would be to go through our testing for conflicts procedure and let us know what you find out.

    Basically the goal here is to revert back to a bare WordPress installation to see if the problem persists. It also allows us to pinpoint what the cause of the issue is.

    But, before you do that, there are 2 things I would advise:

    • Make a backup of your database
    • Consider activating a “Maintenance Page” plugin if you are doing this on your live site (to minimize impact on your visitors)

    Let me know how that goes!




    Citizen LocalMotive

    Thanks, Jamie.  It was not working at all the morning I was struggling with it and writing these questions.  Then sometime between then and yesterday evening it started working again.

    ⁣Sent from Blue ​


    Glad to hear that things are working again, you are welcome back in our support forums any time!

    Since this issue has been resolved, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

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