caching issue moving between pages of past events

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO caching issue moving between pages of past events

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Matt.
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    When user browses past events, there will be multiple pages of past events whenever the number of past events exceeds the number of the setting “General Settings | Number of events to show per page.”

    When moving back and forth from previous to next event pages, many times the content of the page does not change, even though the URL query strings increment or decrement (from tribe_paged=2 to =3 for example, or vice versa). Sometimes the content changes, sometimes it does not. And sometimes it changes to the wrong page entirely, e.g, page 1 when you tried to go from page 3 to page 4. When the content does not change or changes to the wrong content, refreshing the page will refresh the content to the correct content. Behavior seems to me to be unpredictable, but almost always fails from =1 to =2 (first page of past events moving to next earlier set of events). Chrome and Edge on Windows 10 both exhibit same problem. Clearing browser cache before trying to move between pages does not guarantee success. Turning off W3 Total Cache in WordPress does not affect results. And doing both doesn’t help either. I’ve also tried different values of the number of events per page (staying less than total number of past events), can’t see it makes any difference in frequency of success and failure.

    I don’t even know how to begin to debug this or gather helpful information. Suggestions?

    The only insight i have is that the photo view used to sometimes render wrong (one year ago? some photos would overlap the footer area, that kind of formatting error) and a refresh would fix it. That mis-behavior no longer occurs, but this mis-behavior does have similarities.


    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us. I’m really sorry about this issue with the pagination. I checked your site and see what is happening.

    To get started I have a couple of questions.

    As a first, it is best to clear the cache of W3TC and deactivate the plugin while testing to make sure that caching doesn’t influence the results.

    Do you get the same behavior when you switch to a default theme like twentyseventeen for example?

    It would also be great if you could go through are conflict testing guide to make sure no other plugin is interfering here.

    Let me know what you find.



    After upgrading to WP 4.9.4, I switched to Twenty-Seventeen theme and then began deactivating plugins in groups, conducting a test between each group. In another browser not logged into WordPress, I would clear browser cache, then visit, then go to first previous events page, wait for full load and render, then go to second previous page. If the second page was same as the first, the test failed (hitting refresh would have loaded the real contents of the second page). This was Chrome on Win10.

    Eventually I got down to just two active plugins: Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro, I even deactivated my “closed for maintenance” plugin. Test failed.

    So this is an Events Calendar bug. What’s next?

    I also moved aside two custom templates under wp-contents/ngg for pro-albums and pro-masonry, just in case, even though I think these templates are not invoked in the test.

    Site plugins etc. are back to normal now, it is a live site, and there’s no reasonable way to set up a staging site as part of normal workflow with WP and licensed themes/plugins. Underlying server is standard cPanel Apache 2.4 PHP 7.2, PHP-FPM, etc. .htaccess disabled for performance. http redirects to https.


    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for sharing all that detailed information. That helps a lot! Kudos!

    I ran some tests and indeed it looks like this is an issue with our plugin. I filed a bugticket so our devs can take a look at it.

    I am going to set the status of this ticket to “pending fix” and we will update it once the fix is released.

    If you have any new questions or issues please create a new ticket and we’ll help you out.

    Thanks and cheers,


    Hi Matt!

    Just wanted to share with you that a new release of our plugins is out, including a fix for this issue 🙂

    Find out more about this release →

    Please update the plugins and let us know if the fix works for your site.



    Seems fixed, thanks! Which item on the changelog is the fix? I didn’t see a clear match.


    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for confirming. Happy to hear it works.

    This fix was squeezed in at the last moment and looks like the addition to the readme / changelog was skipped.

    I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please create a new ticket and we’ll be happy to help.


    PS: We’d be grateful if you would give us feedback on your satisfaction with support. Just click on one of the classy looking emojis below. 🙂 If you can spare a few words, that’s even better. Thanks!

    PS2: If you like our plugins, and you didn’t yet do so 🙂 we would also be happy to receive a review in the repository. Much appreciated!


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