Release: The Events Calendar 4.1.3 and premium add-ons

We’ve been on a bug-squashing quest. And, for those of you using our iCal Importer plugin, we dedicate this release to you because we focused a majority of our exterminating efforts there to address a number of issues that have been reported in the forums. This one goes out to you, my friends!

We really appreciate all the help and patience in the forums as we knocked out this release. In case you’re curious, we are also hard at work on our next major release and hope to have The Events Calendar 4.2 in your hands very, very soon. There will be awesome new features in there and we will definitely keep you posted as we make progress.

In the meantime, here’s what is new in this release:

The following plugins did not update and remain at the same version number:

  • Events Calendar PRO 4.1.2
  • Community Events 4.1.1
  • Community Tickets 4.1
  • Event Tickets Plus 4.1.2
  • Facebook Events 4.1
  • Filter Bar 4.1

We always like to remind you to use caution when updating plugins. We expect a smooth update for anyone running The Events Calendar or Event Tickets 4.1 or greater. Still, it’s worth backing up your site and database with this release as you would any other WordPress theme or plugin update. This is especially true for anyone who has made customizations to any of our plugins.

The Events Calendar 4.1.3

  • Fix: Month View single days are now ordered as follows: sticky events, ongoing multi-day events, all day events, then start time. In other words, all events should be ordered as you’d expect when viewing events in Month View.
  • Fix: Updated the compatibility of CSV importer with WordPress 4.5 due to a change in the `post_status` filter. This will help prevent some of the errors you may have seen when importing events using a CSV file.
  • Tweak: Added new event names for AJAX success to the List, Month, and Day views to help The Events Calendar’s compatibility with our other premium plugins.

Event Tickets 4.1.3

  • Tweak: Added back the purchaser name and email address to the attendee reports for all tickets. We had inadvertently removed those in a previous release. #facepalm
  • Tweak: Fixed an error where tickets on custom post types would not save or display on the front end. That was annoying to anyone trying to create RSVPs or tickets on anything other than a default page or post.

Eventbrite Tickets 4.1.2

  • Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented an event’s venues from being imported into Eventbrite on sync. We were missing the latitude and longitude data that was needed but it’s there now and moving venues from WordPress to Eventbrite as it should.

iCal Importer 4.1.2

This is where we spent a bulk of our bug extermination efforts in this release. Here’s what we fixed and changed to make the plugin work a lot smoother:

  • Tweak: Changed the wording of the setting that allows you to update events that have already been imported on a previous import. Recurring import makes a lot more sense than recurring event given what the setting actually does.
  • Tweak: Added clarity around limited support for recurring events. There are some instances where importing a recurring/repeating event is simply not possible based on the provided iCal feed and so we spelled this out a little more in the instructions.
  • Tweak: Added a nicely structured header to the requests that come in during an import. This cleans up some rare edge cases where imports were rejected because of mismatched information.
  • Tweak: Removed use of the `date_default_timezone_set` function. It’s used in so many other plugins and themes that it was creating some conflicts where it might be used inconsistently.
  • Tweak: We now make use of the dismissible notice API introduced in WP 4.2. That’s awesome because who likes seeing the same notice over and over again, right?
  • Fix: Added a few more exceptions to the import process to account for iCal files that are inconsistent with other iCal files. In other words, we do a better job of matching up mismatched information on multiple feeds.
  • Fix: Squashed an issue where some events were importing with a start date of December 31, 1969. This was bad, unless you wanted to import events from the Woodstock era. Groovy.
  • Fix: Resolved an issue where all-day events would occasionally display as multiday events when imported. This had to do with the balance between timezones and the setting for what time a date cuts off in the plugin settings.
  • Fix: Cleaned up an issue where multiday events times would import in the incorrect timezone.
  • Fix: Tackled an inconsistency with how some timezones would be imported, which caused events to be placed in the wrong timezone.