The Events Calendar 5.2.1


Maintenance Release

The Events Calendar 5.2.1 features an update to the REST API that allows our users to more easily update events that way with the updated calendar views, as well as a fix for the shortcode category view that now paginates correctly.

This is a minor release with no template updates, so it should be smooth sailing when updating. That said, it’s always a good idea to backup your site and test changes in a development environment before installing this on your live site, as you would with any other WordPress update.

✅ Fixed

Bugs that were squashed in this release:

  • We have changed the AJAX request method from GET to POST to avoid issues with too long URLs, which improves the ability to use the REST API with the updated calendar views.
  • We added the tribe_events_views_v2_endpoint_method filter to allow controlling the HTTP method that users should use to fetch their content from the back-end endpoint.
  • We added the tribe_events_views_v2_endpoint_url filter to allow controlling the URL that users should use to fetch their content from the back-end endpoint.
  • We now prevent the Event Aggregator 15 minute Cron Schedule from being created when not required (props @jetxpert).
  • We added a filter to toggle off the event templates hijack, which will improve theme builder compatibility for our users.
  • We have resolved an issue so that the correct URL is used when exporting events in the calendar’s month view.
  • We now avoid loading the same CSS file twice on the back-end, which previously affected the Add Event page for Community Events users.
  • We now ensure that the [tribe_events] shortcode Previous and Next URLs handle categories gracefully.
  • We updated our use of Monolog logger to avoid issues when the plugins are used together with the WooCommerce Bookings plugin.

🗣 Translations

3 strings were added and 200 strings have been updated.