The Events Calendar 5.16.3


Maintenance Release

This latest version of The Events Calendar includes the addition of CSS classes to improve the user experience and make it even easier to customize the styling of the Month View calendar.

As always, we recommend testing updates on a staging site first, but it should all be smooth sailing.

✨ New

New features included in this release:

  • Tweaked a theme-based CSS class to the HTML body tag when the Default Page Template setting is enabled under Events > Settings > Display.
  • Added edit links to the single venue and organizer pages to improve user experience.
  • Added a CSS class like tribe-events-calendar-month__day--other-month to past and future month dates in the Month View to allow for easy targeting.
  • Changed views: v2/month/calendar-body/day

✅ Fixed

Bugs that were squashed in this release:

  • Avoid some conflicts between the import notice and third-party plugins using jQuery datepicker in the admin.