Community Events 4.8



Feature Release

Community Events 4.8 features the addition of Virtual Events submissions.

That’s right, users are now able to submit a virtual event to your calendar with this new release!

📥 Installation


This is a minor release that should be smooth sailing when updating. That said, it’s always a good idea to backup your site and test changes in a development environment before installing this on your live site, as you would with any other WordPress update.

✨ New

Virtual events submissions

This release integrates Community Events with our Virtual Events plugin, allowing virtual events to be submitted to your calendar from the front end of your site.

For security purposes, we’ve disabled the ability to generate a Zoom connection and link for anyone submitting an event who is not a site administrator. You are still able to generate the connection and links for them as an admin.

ℹ️ Changes

Removed HTML files

We removed unused HTML files in the plugin root folder that were there to reference our plugin data collection policy. This information is now included within the WordPress Privacy Guide at /wp-admin/privacy-policy-guide.php.

🗣 Translations

Updated language files and strings

  • No new strings
  • 69 updated strings
  • No fuzzied strings
  • No obsoleted