What happens when the ET+ App is unable to recognize the REST API?

In the vast majority of cases, this is due to shared hosting environmental limitations and/or server settings. The likely cause of the error at this point would be that the host is not exposing the ticket check-in endpoint on their WP install properly.

The failure is when the response from the server is not JSON.

One user noted a fix was due to the following:

“It was resolved by increasing SUHOSIN settings on the account on the server.”

Users can contact their hosting provider, informing them of the issue they are running into.

💡 Note: this is not a bug or breakage in the performance of the ET+ QR Code App.

We are currently working on building a debug option to check the server response. We’ll also be adjusting the error messaging within the App and within Event > Settings. The release date is TBD.

Other common reasons check-in might not work as expected:

  • One of the steps was missed during the setup related to the app.
  • The person or persons who are scanning QR codes at your events must be logged into your WordPress site with sufficient permissions to check-in users.
  • The WooCommerce order status for a ticket purchase was not set to “Complete”

See also: Using QR codes with Event Tickets Plus