
Search Extensions

Tribe Events Advanced Shortcodes

👋 Note: This is a third-party extension not developed by The Events Calendar.

This extension requires Events Calendar Pro!

The purpose is to provide a custom shortcode that will allow hidden events to be displayed using the [tribe_events] and [tribe_events_list] shortcodes while still suppressing hidden events from the main Upcoming Events page, RSS feeds, and other 3rd party shortcodes or widgets.

Usage Examples

Display custom events calendar

Displays a custom calendar with events from the “My Category” category, includes hidden events.

[tribe_events_hidden_shortcode tribe_event_shortcode="tribe_events" show_hidden="true" category="My Category"]

Display custom list of events

Display a list of events – just like with the tribe_events_list shortcode – from the “My Category” category, including hidden events, and direct the “View More…” link to a custom page. By default, the “View More…” link is hidden if no URL parameter is specified.

[tribe_events_hidden_shortcode tribe_event_shortcode="tribe_events_list" show_hidden="true" view_more_url="/custom-event-calendar" category="My Category"]


  • Version 1.0.0
    • August 6, 2020
    • Initial release

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