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  • in reply to: Buying Multiple Tickets – Names for each person #964121

    That’s a bit of a shame. I think CSV customising is a high priority for you guys – as also judging by the other posts on this too. I will have to hack the plugin in the meantime, which is a shame as i’ve managed to do everything else perfectly that we needed all through functions.php, but the CSV is a deal breaker.

    in reply to: Buying Multiple Tickets – Names for each person #963799

    I can see some correspondence about this

    I am hoping that since September’s release, you might have added a hook for us to access and modify the CSV?

    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: Buying Multiple Tickets – Names for each person #963798

    Thank you very much for that resource – basically saved my life haha!
    I have now got the fields of the attendees coming through beautifully in the attendees list, but notice that on export, it doesn’t have the fields there. Do you have a recommendation of which hook to modify for the csv?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Buying Multiple Tickets – Names for each person #963536

    So sorry, I just wanted to provide extra info, and I promise no more follow up posts 😉

    It’s actually the below class that I need to be able to add columns to, like the function within this class get_columns. Is there any way to extend this class through functions.php?

    class TribeEventsTicketsAttendeesTable extends WP_List_Table {

    function get_columns() {
    $columns = array(
    ‘cb’ => ‘<input type=”checkbox” />’,
    ‘order_id’ => __( ‘Order #’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘order_status’ => __( ‘Order Status’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘purchaser_name’ => __( ‘Purchaser name’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘purchaser_email’ => __( ‘Purchaser email’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘ticket’ => __( ‘Ticket type’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘attendee_id’ => __( ‘Ticket #’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘security’ => __( ‘Security Code’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ ),
    ‘check_in’ => __( ‘Check in’, ‘tribe-events-calendar’ )

    return $columns;

    in reply to: Buying Multiple Tickets – Names for each person #963533

    Sorry for a second reply – I have narrowed it down further.
    I want to be able to edit the columns that appear on the attendees output list, and it looks like it’s being generated from the file as specified in previous post, but through the function <?php $this->attendees_table->display() ?>
    is there a way to hook into this somehow?

    in reply to: Buying Multiple Tickets – Names for each person #963532

    Thanks for your response.
    In building the modification myself, i’ve run into another issue – the admin views can’t be edited.
    I searched through the forums and a post back in 2013 states that admin views aren’t overridable unlike the front-end views.

    I want to be able to edit the table which lists the attendees

    If I edit this file, I can easily get what I’m after, however I would like to maintain best practices for editing core files – either override it with a filter or make it read a cloned file for when the plugin gets updated etc.

    Is this possible with a filter?

    * Renders the Attendees page
    public function attendees_page_inside() {
    include $this->path . ‘admin-views/tickets/attendees.php’;

    Thank you

    in reply to: Where to add people attending #963494

    That’s okay, I stayed up late last night and have build a solution myself – through the use of woocommerce template overrides so that if a new version of woocommerce is released, the modifications are not affected.

    When purchasing tickets, upon checkout, the person must enter name and email for each ticket holder, which then gets attributed to the order through use of postmeta.

    I have then altered the admin screens to render this wp_postmeta for the ticket that it applies to (rather than showing the order’s billing first name, last name etc).

    I’m not sure if it’s the best way of implementation, however it’s all I could think of without doing larger scale modifications.

    in reply to: Where to add people attending #963181

    Hi Gustavo Bordoni,
    Do you know when “later down the road” might be?
    Could you provide a rough estimate of how much it would cost for a freelance developer to build this functionality in, or could you provide some very rough guidance as to how it would be achieved?

    I can see that for each ticket purchased, an entry is created in wp_posts, and that in wp_postmeta, you attributing the billing and shipping name to the post.

    Appreciate your help!

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