WP Router Placeholder Page

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    Hey folks. Just wanted to give everyone an update as to this (since we were operating at half-capacity last week due to the holiday and didn’t get an update posted here in the thread)…it’s looking like this problem is fixed for about 1/2 of the users we’ve heard from up until now, and our developers are still looking at what exactly the cause is. It is indeed a definite issue related to the 3.4 WordPress upgrade…so if you haven’t yet made the jump you may not want to until we can confirm this is fixed for everyone. We do have the entire dev team taking a look at what’s up here and are doing our best to fix it for 1.0.2 before that ships later this week. Thanks to everyone who is still having problems for their patience so far. If folks who stumble upon this thread can confirm whether it’s working for them or not (so we can keep a general count of how many fixed for versus how many it did not), that’d be fantastic. Otherwise please know that this is still on our radar and, as far as Community Events is concerned, our top priority.

    Kathleen, on your note: aside from the email I responded to back on 6/28, I haven’t seen anything come through our support box before or since our original exchange back in May. Let me know if you’re still awaiting a response on something as I don’t have any other unaddressed messages from you.


    Hi Rob,
    Thanks for asking and for your response on the 28th. Once I got the updated software versions I no longer had the Router Placeholder page problem. However, I was still getting a warning message which displayed in the site sidebar. However, when I deactivated Modern Tribe’s Widget Builder plugin, I quit getting the error message – although it’s possible this may be unrelated to this Router Placeholder page problem. I’m OK for the time being but am looking forward to having a complete fix.
    Thanks, Kathleen

    Karin Ettenson

    Just bought this addon after building a gravity forms alternative (but needed reoccurring) and having it not work is a bit rough and would hate to have to revert to pre 3.4, looking forward to a fix.

    Also a side not, this plugin seems to add its style sheets to EVERY page, not just the community events add/list page which is breaking my CSS on multiple areas, can you not call style sheets and javascript only on the community event template pages?


    I am also having the problem. I’m not using catagory in permalinks at all (just post title). I am however on a multisite setup (subdirectory structure, not subdomain).

    With that I will drop in a line about another thread I opened–I would prefer a force-shortcode fix over having the permalinks fixed. I would rather use a shortcode and put the “my events” list in a user account area, rather than need users to redirect to a new page to view events. That’s just me though!


    Hi everybody,

    With the release of 1.0.2 late yesterday, this issue should be resolved. Please update the plugin and report back here if you are still having issues.


    Karin Ettenson


    I can now view the list / my events page, so thats super awesome.

    There is a conflict with a pretty popular plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-seo/) where if I have that plugin enabled the page title for add event, my events is always “WP Router Placeholder Page”.

    Thanks for the great plugins by the way!


    @Dale did you find a work around for that issue with the conflict between Community Events and WordPress SEO?

    Karin Ettenson

    @Tony – I haven’t yet. I do see that the community events plugin adds a page to the wp_posts for their redirect code to work. WordPress SEO is pulling that page title as default for all the pages.

    Guessing WordPress SEO grabs the page title before the Community Events plugin redirect code fires.

    As a hackery messy fix I changed the page’s name in the database to “My Events” this will at least make my client happy for a bit, but looking forward to a real fix so each community event page has a correct title.


    Hi guys,

    We will have better support for WordPress SEO and other SEO plugins in a future release. Thanks for being patient with this!

    – Jonah

    Kasia Karazim

    I found a quick fix for this, put the following into your theme functions.php file. It will check to see if it’s showing the Submit an Event page and re-write the title to “Submit an Event”:

    function event_calendar_title_rewrite( $str ) {
    if($_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”] == “/events/community/add/”){
    return “Submit an Event”;
    } else {
    return $str;
    add_filter( ‘wpseo_title’, ‘event_calendar_title_rewrite’);

    Joyce Grace

    Hi Kasia! Thanks for this – just curious though, is this for the SEO issue or the WP Router issue? That way I can tell our team about it 🙂


    I’ve been following this thread (having same issues). None of the solutions above worked for me – tried it on both WP 3.3.1, and 3.4 (upgraded too soon). And even with the functions.php hack above, still getting errors. Upgraded to latest Tribe plugins, tried disabling most of plugins (including SEO), and still getting blank pages. Only if I disable permalinks, do these forms show up. And I cannot turn off that function. Please update when this issue is fixed for ‘permalinked’ WP sites.

    In the meantime, does the ‘gravity forms’ solution still work?


    Yes it does. I use it exclusively because I don’t want users to be able to choose duration, so I have a custom form where they can only select start times for pre-made events (personal services) and it is linked to woocommerce so the events don’t appear until payment. Gravity forms gives you a lot more options


    An update on the above. I got the thing to work (downgraded to 3.3.2), and found that the conflict is also with Yoast Breadcrumbs plugin (I think it’s part of ‘Google Analytics’ plugin). If I disable ‘Show category in post breadcrumbs?’ in the plugin, the form displays. Does this help you debug the issue further, and possibly release another fix/workaround?

    Joyce Grace

    Hi Dmitry,
    Yoast breadcrumbs are included in WordPress SEO by Yoast – are you using that plugin, and are you able to try switching to that instead? I could be wrong but I think when Yoast came out with WordPress SEO he stopped worked on the individual SEO plugins, like breadcrumbs.

    Also, are you able to update your WordPress to 3.4.1 and let me know if this still happens to you? You may want to set up a test environment for this.


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