Woocommerce tickets and WPML

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  • #906101

    Hi there,

    I have been able to bulk duplicate all the events in the Events Calendar pro so all settings are duplicated in other languages.

    However, the woocommerce tickets can’t be bulk selected to duplicate. I have about 70 events.

    Any suggestions?



    Hi there, Ben! Welcome back to the forums. 🙂

    That’s an interesting question. Events are a custom post type. Tickets are Products and Products are also their own custom post type, though they are created through WooCommerce instead of the WooTickets plugin.

    So, that means Events and Tickets are two different post types and would need to be bulk duplicated separately from one another. The tricky part I imagine would be duplicating them in a way where Tickets are still associated to the respective Events.

    It sounds like you were able to successfully use a bulk duplication method to Events posts, so you will want to do the same to your tickets as Products posts as well. If you’re stuck there, I would suggest hitting up WooCommerce since those posts are ultimately controlled in that plugin.

    Does that help answer your question? Please let me know. 🙂



    Hi Geoff,

    I have been able to bulk duplcate the products/tickets.. And as you suspected, the tickets are not connected to the events now.

    Any suggestions in that direction as I don’t know how you guys connect products/tickets to events.

    Thanx again!



    Hello Ben! Thanks for following up. 🙂

    Shoot, yeah, that’s where I expect things will get tricky. The only way to associate a ticket right out of the box is to build the ticket in the event post itself rather than through WooCommerce first. That said, it’s likely you will need to create tickets in the editing screen for your duplicated Events posts.

    I’m afraid associating duplicated tickets is going to be a rather complex customization that is beyond what I can help with here in the forums since it’s not a feature we currently support. If you’d like to see it added as a feature, it’d be great if you added it to our UserVoice page. We check there for popular ideas to roll into upcoming releases.

    Sorry I don’t have more of a concrete solution for you here, but does this at least help answer your question?



    Hi Geoff,

    I decided to do it manually (140 tickets over 2 languages)

    However, now it appears that the tickets are not showing up in the other languages when I am adding them manually.

    So the tickets are saved in the event but not showing up in the event pages back and front-end.

    Is there a work around you know of?



    Oh man, that’s not good! Are you able to send a link to an event on your site that you have created a ticket for the event but the ticket is not displaying on the front end? That will help so we’re looking at the same thing.

    Just to confirm, you are creating tickets from the editing screen of your individual events, correct (screenshot)?



    Hi Geoff,

    Thank you for your empathic reply!!! Here is the link: http://dev.hridaya-yoga.org/es/event/hridaya-intensive-yoga-retreat-module-1/

    As you will see on the English version the ticket is shown..

    I am 100% sure that I have created the ticket in the admin according to your screenshot. I have selected the proper dates.

    Thanx for taking a look!



    Hey there, Ben! Thanks for sticking with me here while I check this out. I really appreciate it. 🙂

    It appears there are a number of known conflicts conflict WooTickets and WPML. While the two work together for the most part, there are some quirks and scenarios where they do not and it seems this is what we’re bumping into here. I’ve seen this documented on the WPML support site as well as some other threads here.

    The not-so-good-news is that there is no real “fix” for this at the moment at the level that we all would like. We’re planning to work closely with WPML in the new year and hopefully we mutually find a way to build a more compatible set of tools.

    The better news is that there is a workaround, which is outlined in this thread. I’m not 100% sure it will work on your case and I know it’s a pain to do (especially after the other junk you’ve been dealing with), but it’s certainly worth a try.

    Sorry you’re hitting some trouble here, but hopefully this will help shed some light on things and get everything back in a better working order. 🙂



    Hi Geoff,

    Have found a workaround but only because I am lucky enough that my client has no need for the translations of the events though.

    What I did:
    I turned off the translation for the events and the tickets under:
    WPML -> Translation management -> multilingual content setup -. scroll down to custom post types.

    A new problem is now there though.. The event is displayed twice on the event page:

    What do you suggest here?



    Hey there, Ben!

    I just checked out the link to the event you sent and I’m only seeing it displayed once. Were you able to find what was happening there and resolve it?



    Nope not yet,

    And the weird thing is, when trying to view the event I now get a 404 error on all of my events..

    Any suggestions there?


    I just flushed the permalinks and now the single event page is accessible again.

    Just hope this is a permanent solution.
    SO please now try this link: http://dev.hridaya-yoga.org/event/hridaya-intensive-yoga-retreat-module-2/

    Here and on all the other single event pages you will find the event info displayed twice..



    That’s interesting! Now it looks like the page is using a completely different template from before.

    Notice how “Upcoming Events” is displayed at the top, yet we’re on a single event page? That makes think there is still a conflict here either with WPML or the theme.

    Does the issue go away when you activate the default Twenty Thirteen theme? How about with Twenty Thirteen activated and all other plugins deactivated?



    Hi Geoff,

    I bulk updated all the events and now the 2nd display of the event is removed.



    Fantastic–great idea and awesome work! That’s a great solution that I’m sure others will find useful if they bump into a similar situation. I’m so glad this worked out.

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread, but please feel free to hit us up with a new one if any other questions pop up. We’d be happy to help. 🙂


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