What tutorials/hacks would you like to see?

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  • #11632

    As you’ve probably seen, we’re continuing to add new documentation and tutorials on all sorts of customization/hacks using Events Calendar PRO. A big portion of deciding what’s worth publishing is figuring out what the community wants to see.

    So I ask: what tutorials/hacks would you like to see published here at tri.be, that would help make this plugin more useful for you? We’re putting together a list and will be working through it in the order of most requested, so fire away. We’ll begin working on these once we get a feel for what you guys are looking for.


    Rob – I would like to learn how to color-code the categories


    Excellent suggestion, Bill. In fact…we’re one step ahead of you. Jonah published a walkthrough covering that same issue last week. You can check it out right here: https://theeventscalendar.com/coloring-your-category-events/. That help?


    Awesome – thanks.


    My pleasure. Let me know if anything else crosses your mind.

    Anthony D’Arco

    I think it would be great to show how to implement this with a new ticker so you can show how you can display a lot of events in a small area. I have been able to do this with some success, but I would love a rock solid way to do it.

    Better yet, have it as an options for the Advanced Widget (Turn Slider on/off and Vertical/Horizontal).


    Great idea, Anthony! Are you far enough along on the ticker you’ve had some success with that you’d be willing to share it, so we could check out how you’re approaching it?

    Anthony D’Arco

    Yeah, do you want links or source code? Also, to be perfectly honest, the code I’m using is found code from online tutorials. You will also see I haven’t quiet worked out all the details. Let, me know if you want me to email you, I have it from other conversations we’ve had.

    Thank you,


    How do you modify the Next Event widget to show the next events horizontally instead of vertically down the page? Is that a CSS modification?


    Anthony: I’d love to see it, even if it were just as an “Hey, here’s one idea as to how to approach this…” item I could share with the team.

    Tim: have you checked our tutorial on customizing the widgets (https://theeventscalendar.com/how-to-completely-customize-widgets/), to see if that helps point you in the direction of what you’re looking to do? Let me know if that isn’t helpful and I can get our dev Jonah to offer up his thoughts.

    Anthony D’Arco

    Horizontal: http://stthomaspeoria.org/

    Vertical: http://www.stjohnofthecross.org/school/experimental-page/?w3tc_preview=1
    However, I can’t quite get this one working properly; it keeps going in reverse order. I think I just need to figure out how to get the widget to display in descending order.

    Let me know what you think.

    Thank you,


    Awesome! That looks great; I particularly like the way it comes across on the horizontal one. Very news-y. This is a solid example of how your request can work and should give us some ideas on the dev side. Thanks Anthony.

    Anthony D’Arco

    Thank you, I haven’t quite worked all the bugs out of that yet either, you’ll notice that every now and then one of the events has too much left margin. I think there is probably a “n”th-child hiding somewhere, but otherwise it works.


    Hah, I hadn’t caught that until you brought it up. My lips are sealed 🙂


    Hey Rob, how about a tutorial on how to hide events for unregistered users?

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