We need to control different organizers

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    We are searching for a wp plugin to control a live event in a night club. Exactly to control the different RRPPs work. We need to create more than one list of for a single event, so we can control (via stats) how many RSVP do every public relations.
    One guy in the event’s door need to have access to the RSVP list and need to mark every person assisting the event, and need to know from how comes the rsvp.

    Can we do that with any of your plugins?
    Thats in advance


    Hello José,

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    I’m not quite sure I fully understand what you need exactly. But I can tell you what our plugin can do.

    With the free Event Tickets you will be able to set up and collect RSVPs for an event.

    Then on the back-end, when the event starts, the guy at the door can “check in” the people who arrive.

    If you use Event Tickets Plus, then you can set up tickets (either for a price or for free) and you can collect extra information from the purchasers (name, t-shirt size, whatever you want).

    At the door the same check-in can be done like before.

    We also have a QR code scanning app for making the checkin easier, though this will not show you a list, will only help you manage the checkin process.

    I hope this somewhat helps. If you have any further questions, let me know.



    Hi again.
    Thx for the answer.
    All the things you mentioned are perfect for us but we need some extra info.
    We need to know if different people can have different lists on the same event or a field on the list where to check who make the reservation. So the guy at the door can check in the people, we can know who make the invitation and all over the same only one event.
    In other words, we are trying to control the working of different RRPP on a single event, so we need to know when the event ends, who assist the event, some data from that RSVP and who make his reservation.
    Thanks in advance!!


    Hi José,

    I’m not quite sure that would be possible out of the box. Maybe with some custom development you could achieve that.

    Also, before giving you a definite answer I want to make sure that we understand your question correctly. Therefore I’d like to ask you to post your question in your mother tongue – I take it it’s Spanish or Portuguese. We have some native speakers on the team who will understand and we can give you a proper answer.

    Please explain, like above, what the guy at the door needs to do, and what the other person(s) needs to do, what is the process of your check-in. The more details you can give the better understanding we will have.




    Ok, i will explain it in english.
    Gracias por contestar. Mi inglés no es demasiado bueno. Perdón por todo esto.
    El proceso a seguir desde el comienzo sería este:
    Imagina dos personas trabajando como RRPP para un club. Estas personas deben añadir a invitados a la lista de un evento. El día del evento, en la puerta del club, una persona irá anotando quién asiste.
    Cuando haya finalizado el evento, necesitamos que se pueda saber: Quién ha asistido al evento y qué RRPP lo invitó.

    Podemos lograr esto con alguno o varios de sus plugins?

    Thanks in advance again.


    I said “i will explain it in english” but was in spanish. Sorry 🙂


    Thanks José, I will get one of our Spanish-speaking guys to get back to you on this.



    Hola José!

    Gracias por tu interés en nuestros plugins.

    Tal como Andras explicaba, Event Tickets permite crear RSVPs a tus eventos para que los usuarios confirmen su asistencia. Luego podrás acceder a la lista de asistentes desde el backend de WordPress y también exportar un archivo CSV de la misma. Puedes saber más sobre esto en el siguiente artículo https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/managing-your-orders-and-attendees/

    No existe una funcionalidad para que los asistentes sean asignados por una persona de RRPP. Sin embargo, con Event Tickets Plus puedes colectar información adicional para cada asistente (https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/collecting-attendee-information/). De esta manera, podrías crear un campo selector para que cada asistente seleccione una persona de RRPP al registrarse para un evento y luego descargar el CSV de la lista de asistentes y ordenarla por persona de RRPP.

    Espero que ayude. No dudes en preguntar si tienes otra pregunta 🙂


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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