Want to leave venue unspecified

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    For some of the events we post to the calendar, I don’t want to specify a venue. Sometimes it’s because the location will probably never be used again, and I don’t want to have to keep deleting venues to keep the dropdown from running off the screen. Occasionally it’s because the existence of the event is public but it’s invitation only, so the location is private. Recently (I think beginning with the last major update), if I save an event without choosing a venue the plugin makes a new venue with no name. Is there a way to prevent this? It should not be necessary to specify a venue for every event, it’s not necessary to specify an organizer.


    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for reaching out! You are correct, you should not need to specify a venue for every event.

    I did some testing on my end but was not able to recreate the issue. Could you please share your system information with me? If you haven’t done so already, it would also be a good idea to test for conflicts with your theme and other plugins.




    I just did some more testing, and it’s not happening anymore! I installed updates recently because of the events-disappearing-from-calendar-view bug, maybe that was the fix. Sorry for the bother.


    Great! I’m glad to hear it’s fixed now! I’ll go ahead and close out this thread, but please feel free to open up a new one if you run into any other issues.



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