Updated Avada to and now my calendar looks messed up

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    Thanks Cliff! I didn’t think you guys would change anything, or at least not permanently, I just wanted the developers to be able to see everything.

    Fingers crossed!


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    Cindy, I have passed along this additional information to our developers. Thank you.


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    We’re still unsure about Avada + TEC.

    Thank you for the additional information and your patience.


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    GM! I just had a dev from Avada, Michael respond back to me. My calendar now looks perfect! I will need to test adding new info and have my IT/hubby read his email since I’m not tech savvy, but I think I MAYBE all good to go. He asked for a contact on TEC side so I gave him yours. He wants to work with y’all to make sure all is well. πŸ™‚
    Here is what he shared with me:

    Please provide the name of the Events Calendar team member who previously responded to you.
    Also if you have a ticket with them, please provide that information.
    I am not aware of any information being passed on from them regarding this, so would like to confirm what they are seeing.
    We work with Events Calendar, so if there is a problem then it needs fixed.

    For simplicity lets stick with one event as an example – http://footstepsofwisdom.com/event/brian-l-weiss-m-d-many-lives-many-masters/

    There are many things going on here, so I will go through each.

    1. Right now, this event does not contain paragraphs. Either in the post edit screen, single event front end, or in the list view.
    Instead of paragraph tags, there are div tags – which I strongly recommend against (1 missing tag and the layout would break)

    Instead of div tags, it should be paragraph tags (which are added automatically by WordPress if you use Visual editor)
    As an example, I removed all the div tags and switched to Visual editor and then saved,

    The paragraphs then show up on the single event screen, but not in the archive.

    2. The theme has been installed/updated incorrectly. Right now there is a theme folder within theme folder.
    I have separated the two folders, so this is now correct.

    3. The Avada/tribe-events/single-event.php appears to be edited.

    The default for the events calendar, is the following, therefore I added that:
    <?php echo tribe_events_get_the_excerpt( null, wp_kses_allowed_html( ‘post’ ) ); ?>

    Which will also be used in our next update.

    4. For the archive, there are no paragraphs being shown still, however that isn’t coming from the theme.

    This is coming from the Events Calendar plugin.
    They use the following function which strips out all tags, which is why the paragraphs will not be kept
    The same happens on the Twenty Sixteen theme.
    $excerpt = wp_trim_words( $excerpt, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more

    I have commented this out for now, so if you check the paragraphs should be shown.
    I suggest contacting Events Calendar regarding that.

    If there are still problems, please let me know.

    I’ll write back once I have time to test everything and make 100% sure all is good.

    Thanks Cliff!


    Cindy, thank you and Avada Team very much.

    I’ll wait to hear back from you if everything is good to go now. Please update me when you can.


    Hi Cliff,

    I just added a new event and all seems to be functioning PERFECTLY! Now…if you are not too tired of me… πŸ™‚
    I sent this e-mail to Avada because I think this has more to do with them, but not sure. Can you see if this is TEC and if so, provide me with answers? Thanks Cliff!

    Here is the page link: http://footstepsofwisdom.com/events/?action=tribe_list&tribe_paged=1&tribe_event_display=list

    What I sent:

    Since I updated the newest version of Avada, I’m now having color issues with fields and text with the Event Calendar. Some things seem to have been changed and other fields are just new. I have looked under Appearance / Theme Potions/Events .

    Here are my issues:
    1. The color to the left of the box that says “Events From” with “Date” listed below and to the right of View as List box on the right, is not the same color even though I used the same color as my background of #f9e8cf. When I entered it at Avada/Theme Options / Events Calendar/ General Events, I get a message pops up and says: Sanitized value and saved as #f9e8cf instead of #f9e8cf . This just makes it look off. It used to be one color before update. This looks goofy and unprofessional.

    2. How do I change the text colors in the fields that say Date and Search? It used to be black before update. Now the text is so light it makes it hard for anyone to read.

    3. The “Find Events” button is an ugly color now. I don’t remember what it was before, but I would like it to be the green I use in my theme.

    4. I would like the ” View as List” box to be the green I use in my theme.

    5. I would like the “Date” and “Location” boxes next to the Event name box to be the green in my theme. These are the new fields that were added when Avada hooked up with TEC. I would like the text size and boldness to match what is in the Event name box to the Left. Otherwise it does not look symmetrical

    Please note I’m not tech savvy, so detailed instructions are very helpful and appreciated! Once again I have already tried to make these changes under: I have looked under Appearance / Theme Potions/Events .


    Cindy, I’m not tired of you at all. I definitely appreciate your thoroughness! It helps us and other users.

    It seems the only part left for our development team to address is the use of WordPress’ built-inΒ wp_trim_words() function, which removes all HTML tags so it can accurately count words (and also not leave an HTML tag open without a closing tag in the event the cutoff number of words is between an opening and closing tag).

    I believe the current workaround for this situation is to use the manual excerpt meta box, which you might need to enable (check box) via Screen Options on the wp-admin event/post edit screen.

    For your styling questions, please reference our PRO Color Customizer KB article and open a new thread for all of those remaining questions that the PRO Color Customizer doesn’t solve for you.

    Thank you!

    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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