Upcoming and past events on single venue page

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    I would like to show both upcoming and past events but only on the single venue page. I have overridden the single-venue.php template in /wp-content/mytheme/tribe-events/pro/ and found this at the bottom of the script:

    <?php echo tribe_include_view_list( array('venue' => $venue_id, 'eventDisplay' => 'upcoming', 'posts_per_page' => apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_venue_posts_per_page', 100 ) ) )?>

    So I copied it and pasted it below this line, I only changed the 'upcoming' to 'past'. Unfortunately this gave me a page without any events. I tried the wp_reset_postdata(); in between the two lines but that didn’t solve it. It’s either upcoming or past events, not both.

    Searching further on this forum, I found this thread which could be a solution but a lot more work.
    Is there a way to use the tribe_include_view_list function (or a similar function) twice in one page?

    A link to the documentation of this function would be useful too since I can’t find it in in your functions documentation.


    Howdy Sabinevi,

    That’s an interesting idea. It should be doable. I have a snippet here that sets the default date of the calendar views. So if you visit the default page, usually domain.com/events/ the default date is today. So in list view it shows all events from today forward. However, you can change this to any arbitrary date. If we change it to a past date then all events will show up, starting with the first one.


    You could modify this snippet using this function as an extra conditional, to make it apply only to venues: https://theeventscalendar.com/function/tribe_is_venue/

    Does that all make sense? Would that solution work? Please let me know.


    – Brook


    Hi Brook,

    Thanks for your solution. I think I must have omitted a semi-colon or comma in my initial code because I managed to get it to work.
    For those of you who come here looking for answers, this is the code I used in the overridden single-venu.php:

    	// First show upcoming events
    	echo tribe_include_view_list( array(
    		'venue'          => $venue_id,
    		'eventDisplay'   => 'upcoming',
    		'posts_per_page' => apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_venue_posts_per_page', 100 )
    	) );
    	// and then those from the past
    	echo tribe_include_view_list( array(
    		'venue'          => $venue_id,
    		'eventDisplay'   => 'past',
    		'posts_per_page' => apply_filters( 'tribe_events_single_venue_posts_per_page', 100 )
    	) );

    Excellent! I am happy to hear you got it working exactly as you wanted. Cheers!

    – Brook

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