Unable to SELECT Category in Elementor

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    Jamie i have reached out look what they are saying:
    “Hi Allen,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    I’m not quite familiar with that plugin, I’m afraid. Therefore, I can not guarantee you 100% compatibility with Elementor. Since we do not support third-party plugins because we do not have full control, it would be best to reach out to the Plugin’s support team first. Also, could you kindly you are using the latest version of Elementor and Elementor pro?

    Please keep us posted how they respond so we can dig deeper into this issue.”


    But i have found something interesting that maybe CSS and jquery is blocking have a look at these screenshots its showing in Elementor page but its type is Hidden when i removed that hidden type field is showing but not able to fetch category.
    I hope you will help me out with this

    Check Screenshots


    Hi Allen,

    Thank you for contacting us.

    Are you referring to the Pro version of the Events Calender?
    It seems like a compatibility issue between Elementor and this plugin.

    The best solution is that you will contact the plugin’s developer and ask them for compatibility with Elementor.
    We will gladly assist them if needed.

    This is what i get from Elementor Support


    Hi Allen,

    Thanks for all of that information.  It seems that Elementor has a similar policy that we do, in that we cannot guarantee compatibility with every third-party plugin that we encounter.

    You may be able to edit the input on the type=”hidden” that you found.  You can edit CSS by going to the WordPress Customizer or by editing your theme’s (or child theme’s) stylesheet.

    You may also be interested in trying your hand at editing our templates and views to see if you are able to make things work that way.  Our Themer’s Guide is a great place to start.

    If this functionality is a requirement for your intended project, I’d suggest that a third-party developer would be the best way to make this feature happen on a short timeline. ? We maintain a list of developers who work with our plugins on our Knowledgebase here:


    Let me know how it all goes and if you have any other questions on this topic!





    Ok thanks they Elementor asked for pro and will come out with any solution soon.


    Glad we could help, you are welcome back in our support forums any time!

    Since you marked this thread as Resolved, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

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