Two Cart Totals underneath main cart table in 3.11?

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    Upgraded all of my events calendar plugins yesterday, and I am checking on changes that need to be made. When I add a test event to my cart, and go to the cart, it shows the product table, followed by two “Cart Totals” tables with “Proceed to Checkout” underneath. Since these are just tickets (and I don’t need to charge sales tax), can I get rid of both of them (or at least one?)

    Unless that isn’t how it is supposed to work. Which is totally possible. But please let me know.

    Test event is here.


    Hey Peter,

    Sorry to hear about these issues! I noticed in your post that you said ” I am checking on changes that need to be made”. What do you mean by this, specifically? Do you mean that you have made customizations on your site – in any way – and have to check on them to see if they need adjusting?

    If so, and you have made customizations on your site, then I suspect those are the source of this duplication problem, because we haven’t heard from others with this issue and I cannot recreate it on my local site with WooCommerce.

    To quickly test that, you can try things outlined in our troubleshooting steps here →

    Regardless of that, for the current problem you can hide that second Cart Totals box by adding CSS like the following to the bottom of your theme’s style.css file:

    .woocommerce .cart_totals:last-of-type {
    display: none !important;



    Hi George,

    I do have a healthy sized functions.php file in my child theme folder. Plus a set of other plugins.

    Your idea did fix the problem, so a huge thank you. I will check to see what is causing these problems. Thanks.


    Awesome! Glad to hear it helped. Best of luck with your site 🙂

    — George

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