Trying to update to 4.6.1 but keep getting error…

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Trying to update to 4.6.1 but keep getting error…

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    I keep getting this error when trying to update the plugin: Update Failed: Could not copy file. the-events-calendar/lang/the-events-calendar-ary.po

    Unsure what’s going on. Please advise.

    Thank you,


    I’m thinking I should delete the version I have now and upload the newer version, but I’m concerned about deleting the plugin – will I lose the data?


    Hi there!

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    Since you are having problems to update Events Calendar from within the WordPress Dashboard, I would recommend you to replace the plugin files via FTP and manually install it again.

    The process is pretty simple and you will find all information you need here.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else in the mean time!




    Unfortunately I’m still having a problem.

    I deactivated all things Events, deleted Events Calendar and uploaded the new one. Each try I received a message indicating different files that will not upload.

    I went into the server files and confirmed it was deleted. I even tried uploading the files directly into the file directory, but no go – it stops short at 45% indicating an error has occurred.

    I wish I could tell you exactly which files are getting blocked, but now I’m only getting one message when I try: The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads.

    We’re calendar-less now. Any other suggestions?


    This was resolved – for some reason the fact that BackupBuddy wasn’t updating correctly had an affect on this plugin updating. Once BackupBuddy was resolved, so was this.

    Thank you,


    Hi There,

    That’s odd! It sounds like a permission issue, or perhaps your server was running out of space and preventing you to upload new files (Maybe you had old backup files generated by BackupBuddy that were not removed for some reason?).

    Anyway, I’m glad to hear that everything is working as expected now!

    Let me know if you need anything else and have a great weekend!

    Best Regards,


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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