Timezones: Updating event timezone in bulk

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    I’m currently faced with a problem. I need to update the timezone of all my 300 events (I recently activated the event calendar’s “Timezone Mode”). Is there a way to do this automatically or in bulk?

    I was thinking that since each event has an address (city, state, country), wouldn’t it be possible to automatically update the timezone information based on the city, country or state? I understand that since some countries are set on multiple timezones, this wouldn’t be possible to update a timezone only based on the country information (ex: China, Russia, US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, etc). But for events taking place in “smaller countries” like Germany, Italy, France, Japan, etc, (countries with only one timezone), wouldn’t it be possible to automatically link country names (ex: Germany) to a specific timezone (ex: Berlin)? In this case, all events with an address in Germany, would be associated to the timezone “Europe/Berlin” (even if the event is taking place in Munich or Frankfort, which are on the same timezone as Berlin).
    In this situation, exceptions would be listed as “please, update timezone manually for the following countries” (ex: China, Russia, US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, etc), while other countries set only on one timezone could be automatically set to the timezone of their capital city (ex: Europe/Rome, Europe/London, Europe/Paris, etc).

    I understand this could require some significant coding, but it would greatly simplify our lives 🙂

    In the meantime, would it be possible to update timezones directly from the database? I have many events set to take place in Japan, and it would be quite time-consuming to update them one by one, when I could copy/paste the same value for all tables.

    Last but not least: how do I hide the recurring occurrences of an event in /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events ? I’m editing events from this page, and I would like to see only the single occurrence of each event (Since I need to edit each event only once, I don’t need to see all 35 occurrences of the same event in this list). As of now, I need to remember which event I already edited, so I don’t edit the same event twice (which is impossible to remember, of course).

    Thanks for your guidance!


    Hi Nick,

    Thanks so much for getting in touch! I’m afraid that we’re not equipped to provide technical support for current plugin users here in our pre-sales forum. We’d be more than happy to assist you at one of the following locations:

    • If you’re using one or more of our free plugins such as The Events Calendar and Event Tickets, you can request assistance on the WordPress.org support forum for the affected product.
    • If you’re a current license holder for one of our premium offerings, please log in to your account and submit a post to the appropriate forum for the affected product. (Inactive licensing for premium product may require renewal before our support forums can be accessed.)

    Please note that custom development requests are beyond the scope of what support services we typically provide, and we may be unable to assist further with these types of inquiries. If you should require custom development services for a particular plugin or feature, we recommend reaching out to one of our listed third-party developers for more information:


    Thanks again, and we’ll see you in the forums!


    Thanks Caroline,

    I’ll post this on the WP forum of the event calendar, since this “issue” affects also the free version of the plugin.



    Hi Nick,

    Perfect, thanks so much! We look forward to seeing you there! 🙂 I’m going to go ahead and close this thread out, in that case, but please don’t hesitate to follow up here or on WordPress.org with a new thread if there’s anything else we can do to assist. Thanks again!

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