Time Zone

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  • #1260260
    Susan Bowman

    Has the timezone issue been resolved with EA yet? I need a way to test the import without affecting the events that have been individually imported correctly.


    Dear Susan,

    Thanks for the ping and sorry for the long wait for a reply. Last week most of us were out on our yearly company retreat.

    Unfortunately the issue is not resolved yet, it didn’t make it in to version 4.4.5.

    However, I just talked to my manager and we will try to push a fix for this in the next maintenance release, which is coming later this month. I’m sorry for the delay on this and thank you for your patience!


    Susan Bowman

    Any updates on this issue? I would like to update to the latest version but am afraid to do so until I know the issues are resolved.


    Hello Susan,

    Thanks for reaching out! I checked the status of the bug ticket, it is scheduled to be fixed with the next maintenance release sometime early May. So hang in there just a bit more.

    I understand you being afraid before an update. I also was until I started implementing the following before doing any major changes or updates on any site:

    1. Do a full backup of your site’s files and database. In case something goes wrong this can help you go back to a working version. There are several free and premium plugins for this. Here’s a nice article on the topic and another free plugin which is not included in the article.

    2. Set up a staging / test site, where you can test all updates before applying them on your live site. You can set up a staging site under a new domain name or under a subdomain of your main domain. Some of the above plugins can help you create a copy of your site to deploy it to a new domain.

    I hope this helps. Hang in there, the fix will come soon.



    Hi there!

    Just wanted to share with you that there’s been an update to our Event Aggregator service which includes a fix for this issue.

    There’s no need to update any plugins to make this work, as it works from our side. Just use the Event Aggregator service as you’d normally do.

    Please let us know if the fix works for your site.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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