Tickets not received when order marked ‘complete’

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    I saw this in a similar post. I just installed the latest versions of Events Calendar, Events Calendar Pro and Woo Tickets.

    All email functionality in the site works 100%. I get two emails per receipt, and one when the order is completed.

    However, we’re NOT getting the email with the tickets included, at all. I saw a few other people post the same issue, but I didn’t see any resolution except the post went dead.

    Ideas? Again, email is working fine in all instances, but no tickets received. I think on another test site I’m running the last release of your solutions and it’s working fine and dandy.


    Hi, jhonrath. Sorry to hear that you’re having issue with your WooCommerce Tickets installation.

    I’m afraid that we aren’t familiar with situation where a sale was completing successfully, but the customer never received the tickets email. Would you mind running us through which troubleshooting steps you’ve already been through, along with their results.

    Thanks! 🙂


    Sure. First, you guys have another very recent post with 2 others having the same issue.

    Well, I installed initially your 3 plugins. Events Calendar, Events Calendar Pro and Woocommerce Tickets. Then, with testing, I saw this issue.

    After this, I uninstalled all 3 plugins, re-started my server, and re-installed all 3. I thought maybe the order I installed them might have caused this, since I installed the Events Calendar plugin LAST, initially. This time, I installed it first. Same go, no joy.

    FYI. I’m running

    WP: 3.6.1-1 multisite enabled
    WooCommerce: 2.1.18
    Events Cal: 3.1
    Events Cal Pro: 3.1
    WooTix: 3.1

    Using the base 2012 WP theme, nothing fancy. And have no other plugins installed.
    As I said, I have another test WP install, running your last iteration of point releases and it works just fine. I’ve considered scratching the new release, and just sticking with the old one. But that feels a little odd.

    Again, the second email showing the order complete IS coming, just not the ticket email.


    Hi, jhonrath. Thanks for taking the time to report all that. I think that there may be something going on, but to do further troubleshooting, we’ll need to verify what’s happening with the emails being sent from your site.

    Would it be possible to ask your host if they can log the outbound emails from your site? Then, if you place a mock order where a ticket email should be sent and then get the log from the host, that would let us establish what’s going on.

    Thank you! 🙂


    Alright, I’ll try to get the logs. It’s on a server from Amazon EC2. If I don’t know how to get them, I’ll simply use your old version, which I know works.

    Again, all emails from this install work, except your tickets. I would have a hard time believing it’s an ’email’ issue based on that fact.


    Hi, jhonrath. We’d really appreciate it if you could find a way to get them for us.

    We definitely want to make sure that you’re able to upgrade, and if we do have a bug, we would be very grateful for help tracking it down before if affects more users. Since we haven’t heard more reports of tickets not being sent, it’s important that we figure out what is the difference for you and the others who have started threads mentioning this issue.

    Thanks again for your support!


    I’ll try to get that to you.
    You do have a couple of other reports of the same issue, here

    You responded to them. I’ll try to get the email logs, to see. It’s likely a good thing to track it down.


    Hi, jhonrath. I just wanted to check in with you and see if you were able to get the logs for us. 🙂 We’re eager to look into it deeper once we know more about what’s happening with the emails.



    Hi, jhonrath. Since it’s been over two weeks now, I’m going to close this thread. Please start a new one if you’d like to pursue this further. 🙂

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