Threads that are not resolved should no be closed.

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  • #1055699

    @Douglas, if you see the amount of text I have poured into this issue I hope you can see how I have clearly not “given up” on this issue.

    The year’s worth of back-and-forth trial and error in the bug ticket screenshot above should show you that our team has not “given up” either.

    I have stated numerous times that I have tried recreating this as described.

    So your last question answers itself and the implication that we have “given up” in any way is an insult.

    Almost twenty replies ago – TWENTY REPLIES – I asked you if changing ONE OPTION in your admin altered the behavior.

    Instead of addressing this point, you dodged that simple question completely as evidenced above in all of your replies. If anything, you are the one who appears to be giving up here.

    @Douglas, it is 8pm now in my timezone and I have been tending to your issue all day.

    Please either do the test of changing the Facebook Importer event status from PENDING to PUBLISHED and let some imports run, and let us know if the issues persist.

    OR please share a SQL database dump with us by emailing [email protected] with the export attached.

    These are the only two options on the table at this point. We are working diligently to try and fix this bug and need your cooperation do so. If you will not do either of these two things, there is nothing left to be done on this thread.

    — George


    You are awfully sensitive for someone who is so condescending. I have begun deleting all the events from the database and changing the settings.

    Pleas note that I have done this entire interaction and changes to my system on a cell phone from my fathers hospital room. I am out of state as my father has had congestive heart failure.


    Hi @Douglas,

    1. By “deleting events” do you just mean deleting duplicates? If you are deleting events other than duplicates, there is no need to do this.

    2. By “changing settings”, do you mean that you’re changing just that one “Event status” option? That should be the only option adjusted for this testing.

    As for information regarding your father, I am very sorry to hear about this and I wish him the best.

    – George



    I believe I have found the issue for the duplicating events and during my tests today I created a patch that worked for me in stopping the duplication of events. That for providing all your Facebook page ids as that helped us finally duplicate the issue.

    The events that were duplicating were either past events from one day back or events that ended earlier in the current day. If you are having events duplicate beyond this time frame please let us know as that would be a different bug then this one.

    To patch the issue please replace this file:


    With the contents of this file:

    I would recommend setting your import status to pending for Facebook just in case the patch does not work.

    Please clear out any existing duplicates after adding the patch to prevent false positives.

    Let us know how that works out.




    That’s great news. Just curious if you fix also resolves the date display issue on the Facebook import screen? If it does not, you may want to look at it, it could be related.


    Hi Douglas,

    Just to confirm, when you say ‘date display issue’ do you mean this issue from your last thread:

    If so, can you let us know what versions of these are running on your site:

    • The Events Calendar
    • The Events Calendar: Facebook Importer

    And also, what version of WordPress are you using?

    Thank you,


    George, yes indeed. If the event spans over midnight it appears on the Facebook import page as the date of the end time.

    I am on the latest releases of the calendar and all plugins.

    The events are now marked as imported appropriately, it’s just that the date shown is the end date instead of the start date.

    Sample Screen Shots


    Thank you Douglas – one last thing: what is the timezone you have chosen in your site’s Settings > General page in the wp-admin?

    And what is the timezone that these events are mostly taking place in? (The ones in your screenshots, for a specific example).

    Thank you,


    Los Angeles. (-8). Use local timezone is also selected in the event calendar general settings. All of my events are in the same time zone as me. (-8).


    Thank you Douglas. I’m using this information to adjust my site and test this specific problem and will update this thread based on what I find.



    George, you may also like to know that the end of day cut off is set to 3:00 am


    Hey Douglas,

    It’s Sunday the 24th here and I’ve been running event imports since the 21st; I wanted to report that I am not seeing the specific date display issue you had, an showed in the screenshots you posted above.

    I have adjusted some settings now to see if I can get the issue to appear. So I am still actively testing this.

    However, in the meantime I was wondering if you could clarify your timezone setting. I know this seems trivial, when you head to Settings > General in your wp-admin, and scroll down to the timezone setting, do you have it set to UTC-8 explicitly in this “numeric” format like in this screenshot:

    Or do you have it set to the “named” version of the timezone, “Los Angeles”, like in this screenshot:

    As I mentioned, I know this detail seems trivial and irrelevant; however, we have had issues in the past with both our Facebook Importer and Eventbrite Importer plugins with “named” timezones. So if you have it set to the “named” version of “Los Angeles”, I would recommend temporarily changing it to “UTC-8”, saving the changes, and letting more imports run. Does the behavior change at all when you do this?

    I have had it at the numeric version, “UTC-8”, thus far – and have not created the issue you have in your screenshots and such. So now I will be setting it to the named version to see if things behave any differently.

    Thank you for your patience,


    (And just to be clear, my “End of day cutoff” is 3am and the timezone setting is the “Use local timezones for each event” option – I will be leaving these options this way as testing continues.)


    Screen shots to answer your questions.

    Changing from Los Angeles to -8 does not change the display on the Facebook import screen.


    Thanks Douglas. In your screenshots, your “timezone” is set to “Los Angeles”, the named timezone. Just to be clear, what I mean is setting it “UTC-8”, the numeric version, and then letting several event imports happen with the site’s timezone setting at “UTC-8”.

    Apologies if you have done these exact steps, it just wasn’t clear from the screenshots so I wanted to mention these details.

    Unrelated to this issue, but worth mentioning, is also that the Event times are not valid for the event whose edit screen you included a screenshot of.

    (What I mean is that the event’s start time and end time in your wp-admin were 7pm on the same day. This is not valid because it would mean the event does not happen, because it starts and ends at the same time. If the Facebook event doesn’t have an explicit end time, I understand how this can happen! I just recommend adjusting those times so that it has a start time and end time that are different from each other, it should reduce the potential of other issues arising with the event on your site).


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