TEC Pro Map View is not showing all events

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    Our events page has different views, the Map, Week, Day and Month view. The week, day and month view show all the events that are planned in the corresponding time range, but the map view doesn’t. Also, the map view doesn’t display a “next events” link at the bottom, while I am very sure that there are many more events which could be displayed.

    How to troubleshoot this?

    Please note: The site I am linking to is a one day old copy from my site, which is behind a coming soon page.



    Hi Angela,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    As a first step, let’s try to rule out if there is some type of conflict at play.
    This is usually because of:

    • A conflict with another plugin
    • A conflict with your WordPress theme
    • A template customization for the Events Calendar that requires updating

    When it comes to that type of issue, it is preferable to troubleshoot in a staging environment if you have one.

    A first quick test is to simply temporarily revert back to a default WordPress theme such as twenty-sixteen to see if the issue persists.

    The next step would be to go through our testing for conflicts procedure and let us know what you find out.

    Basically the goal here is to revert back to a bare WordPress installation to see if the problem persists. It also allows us to pinpoint what the cause of the issue is.

    But, before you do that, there are 2 things I would advise:

    • Make a backup of your database
    • Consider activating a “Maintenance Page” plugin if you are doing this on your live site (to minimize impact on your visitors)

    Let me know how that goes!





    Hello Jaime,

    Sorry for the delay. I’ve checked this out now. I created a local staging site, reverted to twenty-seventeen theme and disabled all plugins except for the events calendar and related plugins.

    The issue is still persistent.

    Please let me know how to troublshoot this further.



    Hi Angela,

    Thanks for running through that testing.

    As a next step, can you look at the Map Settings that you have under Events Settings < General and try increasing the Map view search distance limit and the Google map default zoom level?

    Let me know if that helps!





    Hello Jaime,

    Thank you for your reply. I’ve tried the steps above but unfortunately it makes no difference.

    Please let me know how to troublshoot this further.



    Hi Angela,

    I just took a look at your Map View page, and saw 2 pins with four events.  3 of the events have the same location, so it would make sense to only see 2 pins there.

    Does that make sense to you?

    Let me know if I’m missing something!





    Hello Jaime,

    The issue is that, if you switch to the week view, there are a lot more activities displayed. Also in different locations. I can’t find those on the map view.

    Also, there is a missing “next events” link at the bottom. We have events planned for 2 years ahead, but on the map view, I only see “some” events from the next 2 weeks. Where are all the other events? Why can’t i click next and view the rest of them?



    Hi @planatstudio,

    Just checking in to see if I can help as Jaime is out today 🙂

    When you create a venue, Events Calendar PRO will try to determine the precise coordinates for the provided address (which it does by sending a request to Google’s geocoding service). Sometimes, though, it won’t be able to establish a set of coordinates:

    • This may happen if you don’t have a valid Google Maps API key
    • It could happen if the street address is not one Google recognizes
    • A communication failure could also stop this from working as expected

    This is important because if the coordinates of a venue are not known, it is not possible to include it in map view. Ways you can fix this:

    • Do you see an admin notice at the top of the event editor suggesting there is venue data that can be fixed? If so, follow the link and use the tool
    • Alternatively, edit each venue and click the Use latitude + longitude checkbox … if you don’t see any numbers in the relevant fields it means the coordinates are missing … try modifying the address slightly, save, then change it back and save again: this may trigger a refresh of the coordinates

    Does that help at all?


    Hello Barry,

    Thank you for chiming in 🙂 I’ve checked your suggestions, and unfortunately I’ve not been able to get more locations to show up on the map view. Here’s why:

    – The API key is valid
    – The street address is valid and recognized by Google
    – There’s no communication failure.

    To illustrate this. I pick one event which doesn’t show on the map view, but has maps in both the single event view, and on the single location view:

    – The Map View: https://doemeemettoppie.nl/activiteiten/kaart/
    – The Single Event view: https://doemeemettoppie.nl/activiteit/kinderatelier-emoji-shirt/
    – The Single Location view: https://doemeemettoppie.nl/locatie/pop-up-store-sterrenburg/

    So the address seems to be working. But why doesn’t it display on the map view? I still don’t understand this.. Looks like a bug to me.

    PS: I’ve checked the suggestions you gave me. There’s no notice about missing event data. However, the lattitude/longitude are not filled in. They remain empty when I change the address slightly.

    To further troubleshoot this, I’ve checked a location that DOES show on the map view. The checkbox for lattitude/longitude is unchecked, but when I click it there are coördinates filled in.

    So.. 2 questions remain:

    – Why do 90% of our locations do not have the lattitude/longitude filled in?
    – Why have the single event and single location views no need of the lattitude/longitude fields? For those maps, it works fine without latt/long information.


    Hi Angela,

    Thanks for running through all of that testing.

    Sometimes the locations do not have the latitude and longitude filled in because Google Maps does not recognize the address for some unknown reason.

    In that case, can you try manually adding in the latitude and longitude for one of the events that does not have the coordinates filled in?

    You can use a tool like the following to make things easier:


    Let me know if this helps!





    Hello Jaime,

    Thank you for the link. That makes it certainly a lot easier.

    I’ve filled in the coördinates in a few locations, they all show up in the map view now.

    Before we close this case, I still think it is a bit easy to point at the Google API for being the cause of this issue. We work with Google API’s in a lot of our projects, and they are usually very reliable.

    Are you sure that the plugin is working correctly?



    Hi Angela,

    I’m not quite sure why Google Maps API isn’t working as expected on your site.  I have not yet been able to replicate this issue on my test site, but it may just have to do with the addresses not being recognized by Google Maps or there could be another reason as well.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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