Sidebar Calendar Widget Navigation not Working

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  • #1012593
    Ronan Le Guern


    I’m having an issues with the sidebar event calendar PRO plugin. The major problems : broken navigation, and the list of events below the calendar that can’t be cut (even if I write 0 or 1, 5 events appear) :

    I’m working with the version 4.3 of WordPress.

    Any direction on how I might resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!



    Howdy Charlotte,

    Welcome to our support forums and thanks for reaching out to us. I’ll help you out figuring this out!

    I’ve been playing around with the calendar widget in the sidebar and it seems to be working fine. Regarding the number of events shown in the widget, does the config look like this:

    Please let me know about it,

    Ronan Le Guern


    I assure you the widget doesn’t work. About two weeks ago when I cliked for example on the first of October I was redirected on a page where all the events that occured that day could be seen. Now nothing happens when I clik on the dates and I stay on the homepage.

    Concerning the events shown in the widget, the config look like exactly as what you sent… There is indeed a 0 but 5 events appear.

    We bought the Pro version to have this widget calendar and now it is not working as it is used to… This a major issue for my compagny that I hope you could help me to fix.

    Thank you,


    Hi Charlotte,

    Thanks for following-up on this! I can see what you mean now, sorry for my miss understanding there.

    Everything seems to be working as expected in my local install. Not heard of this as well, so I think the best is troubleshoot a bit more on this. Can you please follow the steps described in our Testing for conflicts guide? This way we can see if this is a problem in our plugin or a conflict with the theme or other installed plugins.

    Please let me know about the test results,

    Ronan Le Guern

    Hi Nico,

    Here are the results of the troubleshooting.

    I switched to the Twenty Thirteen theme and disabled all plugins except Tribe Events plugin
    The results : the number of events shown in the widget is working but when I chose a number superior than 0 (so 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) I can’t access the page where all events can be seen.
    To be clear, for example, when I chose to show one event or more in the widget, when I click on the 15th of October, nothing happens. However when I chose 0 it works…

    I switched back to my theme which is FlyMag, without re-enabiling the plugins, and all my problems were back. So I think it is probably a conflict with the theme…

    The number of events shown in the widget is not the major issue for us. But it is really important that the visitors of our website can access all the events of each day by clicking on the calendar widget.

    Thanks for your help,


    Hey Charlotte,

    Thanks for taking the time to test this!

    This looks like a theme conflict indeed. The behavior you describe for the widget is correct: if you select ‘0’ events, clicking in the day in the calendar takes you to the ‘all events page’. If this value is grater than ‘0’ (1 to 5) the widget will show the events for the clicked date under the widget instead of taking you to the ‘all events page’.

    You mentioned you are using the FlyMag theme. Are you using the PRO version? Have you customized any Events Calendar templates? Have you customized the theme itself?

    Please let me know about it, if you are using the plain theme I might be able to test this on my end and see if I can find a fix,

    Ronan Le Guern

    Hi Nico,

    Thank you for your answer.
    I am using the free version of FlyMag theme and I haven’t customized it at all.

    Let me know if you manage to find a solution,

    Best regards,




    Thanks for confirming this! I’ll surely take a look at this tomorrow but please bear in mind I cannot guarantee a solution for this as we do not support specific theme conflicts. That said I’ll try my best to find a workaround this issue.



    Hi Charlotte,

    Just wanted to give you a heads up on this, I’ve tested the mini-calendar widget with FlyMag theme and everything seems to work as expected.

    Re-Checking your site I see that the mini-calendar widget appears to be customized (I see the date ‘icon’ is linked to a pdf file which is not default behavior), Can you check if there’s a ‘tribe-events’ folder present in the theme or in a child theme? Maybe the widget customization is leading to this wonky behavior. If you can’t find any ‘tribe-events’ folder, you can search the theme’s function.php file for this customization as well. Have you developed the site yourself?

    Please check on that and let me know,

    Support Droid

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    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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