show ticket fieldset options in cart and in new order email

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    we have an event that the tickets need to be postal mailed and I am have some issues with a few things.

    1.) when in the cart the ticket field-set selections do not display and I would like them to?

    2.) new order email to customer, ticket field-set selections do not display and I would like them to?

    3.) when checking out all I have is a billing address and I need a shipping address also how can I change that?

    4.) I have the ticket function child theme set to not be emailed (but if you direct me to a customization document for ticket email I might be able to adjust)?


    Hello again digitaliway,

    Let me try to help you with your questions:

    1.) when in the cart the ticket field-set selections do not display and I would like them to?

    Unfortunately this is not an implemented functionality. It would be quite difficult to do and it is beyond the scope of your support.

    Here is a list of developers, who might be able to help you out with this request:


    2.) new order email to customer, ticket field-set selections do not display and I would like them to?

    The collected attendee information is not sent out in the order confirmation email. But it is sent out in the ticket email. The customer receives the ticket email once his order is marked completed.

    Again, this would need custom development in which the above developers might be able to help you.


    3.) when checking out all I have is a billing address and I need a shipping address also how can I change that?

    What eCommerce plugin are you using? Usually there is a checkbox on the checkout page that lets you enter a different shipping address. Check your eCommerce plugin settings if it is maybe disabled.


    4.) I have the ticket function child theme set to not be emailed (but if you direct me to a customization document for ticket email I might be able to adjust)?

    If you would like to customize the ticket email of Event Tickets, then these 2 articles are a good starting point:

    The files you will need to override can be found in this folder:


    If you would like to customize the WooCommerce mails, like completed order, then you will need to turn to the WooCommerce documentation. You can start here:

    Email FAQ

    Let me know if this helps.



    I was able to customize my ticket with your help and I appreciate all the info.


    Hi again,

    Super happy to hear you managed to do this! Congrats!

    Since this is marked resolved I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please post a new topic in the forum and we will help you out.


    PS: If you like our plugin, and you didn’t yet do so 🙂 we would be happy to receive a review in the repository. Thanks!

    PS2: We’d be also grateful if you would give us feedback on your satisfaction with support. Just click on one of the classy looking emojis below. 🙂 If you can spare a few words, that’s even better. Doublethanks!


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