Resetting 'Display attendee list' for all events

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  • #1371380

    Hello – following a (rather belated) update to version 4.5.6, we have a similar problem to the following tickets:

    All/most of our events now have ‘Display attendees list’ set to yes, when they should not be displaying attendees.

    The database fix here:

    seems to be intended to toggle the values. I want to make sure all the events are set to not display (some of the events already have the correct setting), and it’s not entirely clear what the database field values correspond to… – how do I go about this?


    Hi. Sorry that you’re experiencing this known bug.

    I marked this thread as Pending Fix, which means it should receive a reply once the applicable fix has been released. I cannot guarantee when it will be fixed as it’s in the development team’s hands now. They need to assign it, code it, test it, and schedule it for release.

    I apologize for this issue and appreciate your understanding and patience.

    To force all events to have Attendees hidden, this part of that SQL should do the trick:

    UPDATE wp_postmeta
    SET    meta_value = '0'
    WHERE  meta_key = '_tribe_hide_attendees_list';

    Of course, we always recommend restorable database and file backups before modifying anything on your site.

    Please let me know how this goes for you.


    Hi There!

    I just wanted to follow up with this to let you know that a new release of our plugins is out, in which we are no longer able to reproduce the issue described here. This means that it may have been fixed before while working on other fixes/improvements.

    You can find out more about this release →

    Please update the plugins and let us know if it works for you.



    Hello – yes, the latest version does seem to have resolved the problem on our test site.


    Sorry – I thought this was in response to another issue! AFAIK know it’s no longer affecting us, but I haven’t checked it properly yet!


    OK … let’s leave this open a little longer then so you can confirm/let us know if more help is needed 🙂

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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