Recurring events showing wrong dates

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    On the live site, these steps did not fix the issue.

    I’m sorry to hear that – for the avoidance of any doubt, though, do you mean that you deactivated all other plugins (and reverted to a default theme) on the live site – or just ManageWP?

    Am I also correct in thinking that the problem is effectively resolved on the test site under default conditions? If so, and you begin adding/reactivating the same set of plugins and theme you have on the live site, are you able to cause the original problem to come back? Does it kick in after a particular plugin or combination of plugins become activated?


    Yes, it seems resolved on the test site, but so far, there’s really been no clear indication of precisely what might have caused the issues to begin with, which is unfortunate. That’s my next step, to start reactivating and testing on the dev site.

    The live site, unfortunately, I’d simply meant deleting the cache files and ManageWP, not all of the plugins. Because there are a number of plugins on the site that seem to lose a few settings if not reactivated in exactly the right order, I’m hoping to not disable all of those at the same time on the live site).

    I’ll let you know as soon as these steps are complete – thanks for bearing with me through this process.


    No problem, I’m sorry there’s not a faster way to go about it – though this sort of troubleshooting (even on a dev site) can be a bit time consuming it’s definitely proven to be hugely reliable in most cases.

    I’ll leave this open and look forward to your next update 🙂


    It’s fixed! As I went back through, I noticed that when the Redirection plugin was activated, the issue came back immediately. Deactivating didn’t fix the problem until the permalinks were cleared, which is why I didn’t notice this when deactivating everything.

    There’s no redirection set up through the plugin other than a few basic pages, and certainly nothing that should affect this (we just have /contact.html going to /contact/ and three other similar redirects, that’s it).

    So there’s a definite conflict between their plugin and yours. But it’s fixed everywhere!


    Interesting, well I’m glad you fixed it 🙂

    For our own purposes it would be great to know which redirection plugin it is – if you have a moment to spare and could post a link that would be appreciated.

    Thanks again!


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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