Recurring events showing wrong dates

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    I’m seeing some weird issues cropping up with events showing wrong dates, but only some of the time. For example, “Parenting Journey for Fathers – English” shows the right dates here: (starts Sept. 17, 2014), but when I click on the title of the event, it takes me to here:

    This page (the single event page) is showing a date that’s in the series, but it’s not the first date in the series (it’s redirecting to the wrong specific event page for the recurring event).

    If I edit the event, then click view event (I’m hovering over the event in the screenshot below), then the URL looks like it should go to the right one at the bottom of the page where it shows the URL of the link; however, that redirects to the second event in the series, not the first, as it should:

    This is an issue that appears to be new (it’s started coming up in the last week or two, but wasn’t having issues before that).


    Oops. This is not a pre-sales question. Please move this over to the Events Calendar PRO forum, if you’d like.


    That’s strange. Can I ask if you’ve had an opportunity to run through our complete troubleshooting steps? Just to summarize, they are as follows:

    • Please ensure The Events Calendar/Events Calendar PRO are up-to-date
    • Deactivate all other plugins
    • Switch to a fresh, unmodified copy of a default theme such as Twenty Thirteen
    • Now test and see if the problem remains

    If that solves the problem the next step is to start reactivating everything and test at each stage to see if the problem returns – this is a great way of uncovering conflicts.

    This is an issue that appears to be new (it’s started coming up in the last week or two, but wasn’t having issues before that).

    So did anything change at that point? For instance, were our plugins updated and/or were any settings changed or your theme/other plugins updated at the same time?


    I’ve completed these steps; I migrated the site as a first step, as this site is in production now.

    After migrating the site to I verified that the Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro were both up to date (they were). I deactivated all plugins, a few at a time, checking for the issue at every step, then switched over to twenty-thirteen. The problem remains; you can see it in action here: (click on “Parenting Journey for Fathers – English”).

    Or go to the page showing all events in the series here: and click on the “read more” link for the first event in the series.

    I’ve also verified that there’s no caching happening on the site and I’ve cleared the permalink structure a few times as well, then again after all plugins were deactivated.

    Nothing I’m aware of changed in the last few weeks, though I update plugins automatically, so it’s possible that one or more of your plugins were updated at that point if you pushed an update in the last few weeks.


    So, I did one last thing that fixed this issue on the temporary site, but the same thing did not fix it on the live site. I deactivated and reactivated the Pro version of the plugin, then resaved the first two tabs of the settings.

    Unfortunately, this had no impact on the live site, though the test site now appears fixed. Any ideas?


    And of course, last, I tried reactivating then deactivating everything again, and the issue came right back, and this time with everything deactivated I can’t seem to get it to go away. If you’d like site access to the temporary site, I’d be happy to provide that privately.


    Hmm, strange. Before I go any further I’d love to check in as the original problem:

    For example, “Parenting Journey for Fathers – English” shows the right dates here: (starts Sept. 17, 2014), but when I click on the title of the event, it takes me to here:

    Doesn’t seem to exist on your test site – I go straight to which is the correct and expected behaviour, though you did note the problem had returned:

    I tried reactivating then deactivating everything again, and the issue came right back, and this time with everything deactivated I can’t seem to get it to go away.

    Since it seems to have resolved itself again, can you summarize if this was the result of further troubleshooting steps/if you hit upon a trigger or anything like that? Thanks!


    I’m still seeing the issue on the test site, so no, there’s nothing further I’ve found.


    Looks like there’s now different behavior for logged-in users, which are seeing this issue still, and logged-out users, who are no longer seeing the issue on the test site.


    OK, so the problem is only for authenticated users?

    Would it be possible to gain access (to your test site) as an admin user (from there I might additionally set up lower-level user accounts) in order to see this first hand, in case anything obvious presents itself?

    If you’re happy to facilitate this you can share credentials via a private reply.



    This reply is private.


    Please do note that while at this moment the problem only appears on the test site to appear for authenticated users, the problem as a whole on the live site seems to be for all users.


    OK – thanks!

    Before we go any further, can I ask you to remove the caching drop-in and additionally follow any steps recommended by the caching plugin author to completely remove it?

    What we find on occasion is that caching effects persist even after the plugin has been deactivated. Though on the face of it that doesn’t seem to add up in a situation where authenticated users are impacted but unauthenticated users are not, it’s not impossible that this is a factor.

    (Are you also using the same or a similar caching set up on your live site?)

    In a similar vein, can ManageWP be deactivated to give us a clean test environment?


    So I’m kicking myself right now, because I deactivated ManageWP, removed those files and the issue is gone – but the cache drop-in and folder were empty (and the wrong thing couldn’t have been cached since the date was never set to that particular date). So I don’t realistically think that this could be a solution to the problem. I’m kicking myself, as I mentioned above, because I didn’t check the site before I did those things and therefore don’t know whether this changed anything.

    I’ll certainly try this on the live site (it took all of a minute to do, and caching is not active on the live site now regardless because I didn’t want it affecting what we were seeing when testing this there) – but my hopes aren’t high for this being a legitimate fix.

    Any other ideas as to what might have been causing this?


    On the live site, these steps did not fix the issue.

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