recurring event in list view

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  • #1442712
    Reinhard Stockinger

    I have a special question about recurring events.
    I have this event:

    easter-market – takes place on 17.March (10-17:00) and 18.March (10-17:00)
    and the same event on the next weekend
    easter-market – takes place on 24.March (10-17:00) and 25.March (10-17:00)

    If I would use the Event-Calendar Pro, I could create a recurring event with this dates and the plugin will create 4 events.
    Now in the list view I would see 4 events (all the same, just different days!)

    What I want in the list-view is: 1 event with 4 different dates -> Is this possible with any of your plugins?

    I know there is this checkbox in the settings-tab of the plugin “Show only the first instance of each recurring event (only affets list-style views)” but this only shows the first date and does not summarize this events….
    Is this summarization somehow possible with one of your plugins?

    Reinhard Stockinger


    Hey Reinhard,

    Thanks for reaching out! This is a good question, but unfortunately our plugins do not support this kind of display at this time:

    What I want in the list-view is: 1 event with 4 different dates -> Is this possible with any of your plugins?

    ↑ This isn’t possible with any out-of-the-box features of our plugins or extensions at this time. Sorry to disappoint!

    Please let me know if there any other questions I can try to help with.

    — George


    I am looking for the same feature. I run courses. They would run for example,
    1st to 3rd of January then 4th to 6th of February, for example.
    I currently have to duplicate the event but as you mentioned, this shows many of the same event in list & calendar. I’m looking for a event list that links as such:

    Course 1
    Course 2
    Course 3

    Then when a course is selected, on the course page it says for example,

    Course 1
    Running from:
    1st to 3rd of January
    4th to 6th of February

    … etc.
    It seems at the moment I cant have recurring sets of events and this confuses me as it seems quite an important feature?
    Thank you.


    Hey Chris,

    You can sort-of achieve what you describe, it’s not just exactly right out of the box.

    For example, you can create the recurrence configuration you describe without issue. It’s just in terms of displaying that information where your specific desired layout isn’t 100% supported.

    There’s an option in the Events Calendar settings to only display the first of a recurring event—this helps prevent having a ton of repeat listings.

    When you view a single event though, it doesn’t have this sort of display by default:

    Course 1
    Running from:
    1st to 3rd of January
    4th to 6th of February

    You could either manually type out that info in the event description, or write custom code to have this sort of display auto-generated.

    I hope this information helps! Please also keep in mind that we have a 100%, no-questions-asked refund policy if you request a refund within 30 days of purchase—you may find it most helpful to just tinker with the plugins firsthand and get a better sense of what’s possible by default, and what’s not.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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