Purchase name and email not visible in attendee view

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Purchase name and email not visible in attendee view

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  • #940365
    Mohammad Zubair


    Currently I don’t see the purchaser name in the attendee view.
    I assume the purchaser name is taken from WooCommerce’s billing_first_name and billing_last_name, and the email from billing_email. Which is correctly filled in. When I view the order in woocommerce, I see that information also present.


    Hi Nazeem,

    That sounds unusual.

    Certainly if I test this out locally I see no such issues in the attendee list. It looks like you noted having run through our standard troubleshooting steps already, did that reveal anything?

    I wonder also if there is there anything “atypical” about the way you are creating these orders – or are they regular orders created by customers in the usual way?


    Mohammad Zubair

    Hi Barry,

    I did some digging in the code and I found the problem!

    The first name and last name is fetched from the post_meta table in WordPress, thus the first name and last name are stored as meta data for the order.
    However, I ‘disabled’ all the WooCommerce fields (billing_first_name, billing_last_name and others), so the meta key: _billing_first_name and _billing_last_name are never stored in the order.
    When WooTickets tries to fetch this data, it’s empty.

    I fixed this by re-enabling the necessary WooCommerce fields and it worked!


    OK, glad you found the problem. So, out of interest – in case we hit up against this again in the future – when you note that you ‘disabled’ those fields do you mean that this was the result of some customization work?

    Mohammad Zubair

    Hi Barry,

    Yes. In WooCommerce it’s possible to ‘disable’ the billing/shipping/account fields in the sense that they are not used to check for its presence (for example in the checkout) with the following code:


    in filter:


    When you do this, the reference to the values of these fields in the orderdata is not created. This means that the meta_keys _billing_first_name, _billing_last_name and _billing_email are not stored.
    However, WooTickets is using these keys to acquire the name and email. So I just enabled those fields.


    Ah, ok. Thanks for confirming 🙂

    I’ll close this topic since it sounds like we’re all set, but of course if anything else should crop up please don’t hesitate to open a new thread and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

    Thanks again!

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