Price Filter for RSVP's

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Price Filter for RSVP's

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  • #1239698
    Uwe Matern

    Good Morning from Hamburg,

    we use event tickets plus, tribe filter bar and events calendar pro.

    The question concerns the price filter in the filter bar.
    We have all events with event costs in the system. After installing tickets plus we made the cost field available for editing again via the snippet recommended here in the support area. That works great.
    For our events the users can register via the tickets plus – rsvp tickets – we maintain for each event. Those registrations are free -> therefore the respective event has a price as: FREE – 200€ as an example.
    We managed already the show price issue – thanks to your recommendation – with a snippet in the functions.php – also works great!

    The only remaining issue is the price-filter (pls see the example in screenshot). If you set the range to 0€ – 149€ the event with the 200€ price is still shown. This makes sense because the event has two prices (FREE + 200€). But as we don’t show the “Free-price” to the user we also don’t want to have it considered in the price filter. I think that’s understandable.

    If you set the range to 1€ – 149€ it works finde. By the way.

    Would be great to get a hint for the solution (again ;-))

    Best Regards



    Grüss dich erneut Uwe 🙂

    Hmmm… it really sounds like the filter bar is working as expected. So you would need a customization for that, I guess.

    Logically, if we would exclude the rsvp tickets to be taken into consideration by the filter bar, that would solve the problem. Is that right? That could be a way to go.

    Does that help?


    Uwe Matern

    Grüß dich Andras,

    yes, that’s right. Your proposal , to exclude the rsvp-tickets, should the way forwards.



    Hallo Uwe,

    When you go to Events > Settings > Filters and set the Cost filter (I guess that is the one you are using) to “Events are considered free when cost field is: Only when set to zero“, does that help solve it? This way there is no need to modify the code.

    Let me know.



    Uwe Matern

    Dear Andras,

    thanks for the hint. I tried both options but there is no effect when the switch is on the one or the other option.

    As soon I set the lower range to 1€ it works fine.

    Seems that we need some customization or filter here.

    Greetings from Leipzig (this time ;-))



    Ah, Leipzig ist schön. 🙂

    I’ll check with the team if anybody has a quick solution for this.

    Please note that we don’t support customizations, as our priority is solving issues and fixing bugs, so this might take some time.

    Also, just to know, would it be OK, if the minimum value for the filter was set to $1 instead of $0?

    Thanks and cheers,

    Uwe Matern

    Good Morning Andras,

    yes, the approach with minimum value 1€ is fine with me.



    Ok, I’ll check what can be done about that. Most likely the $1 as the minimum will be the way to go. I’ll get back to you soon.



    Hallo Uwe,

    Sorry, I was out for a couple of days. Started looking into this. Will get back to you on Friday or Monday with my findings.



    Hallo nochmal,

    I just re-discovered this thread, sorry for the long break.

    I was checking what could be done and if the filter bar could be customized.

    There is the possibility to add another custom cost filter that would start at $1, however I couldn’t get it to work: when the page loaded it didn’t take that “minimum €1” into account. I needed to change the price range there and back and hit the filter button.

    I’m still checking some options, will let you know.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team


    Hallo Uwe,

    I apologize, this thread fell out of my radar. I reopened the topic and will check if there is a solution for this. I’ll get back to you still this week.


    Uwe Matern

    Dear Andras,

    many thanks.

    Best Regards


    Hello Uwe,

    Thank you for your patience regarding this topic.

    I took some time to look into this, but couldn’t come up with a solution. It would require customization efforts, which is beyond our scope of support.

    Here is a list of developers, well known in our community who might be able to help you out with this. <span class=”paragraph”>list of freelancers</span>

    Probably a way to start this is to create a new custom filter based on the existing price filter. Then either setting up the minimum price and making it effective immediately on the first load, or somehow excluding RSVP tickets from the filtering.

    I’m sorry I cannot give you a better solution for this, but I hope this will help you get started.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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