PHP Fatal Error

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  • #1246325
    Nathan Baldwin

    I am getting the exact same error on one of my site as reported here -

    There is a link to the hot fix. The Top download option goes to Cloudup, but when I try and download I get an error. The second link work, but the hot fix page says that DOESNT work in the back ground, although the plugin description says it does.

    Nathan Baldwin

    I did temporailiy use the ‘hack’ to make it work.

    foreach ( array( 'rules', 'exclusions' ) as $rule_type ) {
        foreach ( $recurrence_meta[ $rule_type ] as &$recurrence ) {
            if(is_string($recurrence)) $recurrence = unserialize($recurrence); // I added this line, which fixes the problem
            $rule = Tribe__Events__Pro__Recurrence__Series_Rules_Factory::instance()->build_from( $recurrence, $rule_type );

    Hey Nathan,

    Sorry to hear about these issues, and about that first download link not working. We’ve made a new link for you here:

    Can you use the methods described in that other thread, with the files in the link above, and let us know if that helps?

    — George

    Nathan Baldwin

    [image: photo]

    Nathan Baldwin
    WordPress Developer,

    Phone: 603-505-8033
    Email: [email protected]
    Skype: nathan.baldwin14
    Address: 53 Lancelot Ave Manchester, NH 03104
    Ask us about our WordPress Site Maintenance Referral Program.


    Hey Nathan,

    I’m sorry about the file download error there — we have an Extension that may help with recurring-event cleanup, which you can find here:

    But that Extension may not be the best tool, and so if you’re willing to sit tight a bit longer, I am working with other developers on our team to see if we can locate the actual tool that we tried linking to on CloudUp there…

    …sit tight!

    — George


    Howdy Nathan,

    Sorry for the missing download link. Unfortunately the original author is on vacation, and he’s likely the only one who still has a copy of that file. When he gets back we can share it, but of course we don’t want you to wait that long.

    I wrote the tool George mentioned. He asked me to come in and elaborate a bit on why it’s not “the best tool”. It will still get the job done, it just requires a little manual work.

    First of all, the problem is that the recurrence data is not stored in the expected format. When our plugin goes to add new recurrences or cleanup old ones, it misreads the data and does unexpected things.

    The original tool converted the data to the new format, and triggered a “recurrence rebuild” automatically. The tool George linked to will simply delete all recurrences of a recurring event, leaving the first event still intact. This will get rid of the problem recurrences, but you still need to go in and edit the original event after deleting everything. Confirm that the recurrence rules are setup how you want them, and click save. Once you click save, you have manually triggered a “recurrence rebuild”. At this point, you should be golden. You will need to do this for each event which is affected by the problem.

    Does that make sense? Let us know if you have any questions.

    I am going to investigate why this issue suddenly cropped up for both you and the user of the other thread. It is likely that our latest update removed some code that made it backwards compatible with events created a long time ago. If so, we obviously need to reintroduce that legacy compatibility code.


    – Brook

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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