Payment Processing Options

Home Forums Ticket Products Eventbrite Tickets Payment Processing Options

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    Hi folks! This is a thread that is actually unassigned/marked Resolved, so not appearing in anyone’s queues unfortunately. As a result any comments posted since Leah’s last remark has not been seen before today. I apologize for the oversight and am officially closing this thread now to prevent further discussions from taking place. If anyone has an issue they should post a new thread – and we’ll get you a reply in as timely a fashion as possible. Thanks!


    To answer this question as of 9/4/14.

    The EventBrite API still only has an option for PayPal.

    So tickets purchased though our plugin unfortunately can only use PayPal, we have not other option.

    It appears that on EventBrite they have 3 different options for people to setup and I do not know why they have not extended their API to include all of them.

    And as Rob said this thread is closed, but if you have an issue with this or need help on something similar please create a new topic and we will help you.

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