Past Events

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  • This topic has 25 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Josh.
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  • #792770
    Chris Claghorn

    This reply is private.


    Hello claghorn,

    Thanks for following up with us!

    I checked out the site and the plugin appears to be working properly. The issue you’re noticing with the styling is due to a possible theme conflict. There may be some possible solutions for theme compatibility with your current theme found here.

    The reason the past events query doesn’t work on default page templates is because there is nothing in the template for the query variable (?tribe_event_display=past) to modify. With the default event template, there are sections within the code that allows the query variable to modify the query that is being displayed.


    Chris Claghorn

    Well that’s not going to help for the time being. A little over my head.

    When I choose “Default Page View” in Display Settings the past events won’t list but it at least uses my current CSS. Why doesn’t “Default Events View” use my CSS? Is there a setting for me to have both views use the “Default Page View” CSS?


    Hello claghorn,

    It’s not necessarily a styling issue as it is a structural one. If you open the plugin files for the core Events Calendar plugin and navigate to “views” -> “default-template.php” and then compare to the page.php file within your current theme. You’ll notice that there is a difference in the containing wrapper. Your theme may be styling based on wrappers that are applied to your page.php file but not the default template from the plugin.

    A further option that may work would be to follow the Themer’s Guide and copy the default-template.php file from the plugin into your theme and copy the wrapper from your theme’s page.php file into this new default-template.php file. You could then try the Default Events Template again within the plugin settings.

    Let me know if this helps.


    Chris Claghorn

    Actually, this link: helped.
    Now is there a way to display them from top to bottom as latest to newest?


    Hello claghorn,

    Thanks for following up with us! I’m glad that other post was able to help!

    You can change the order of events by modifying the query that displays the events. There is some great information at the bottom of this thread that may help with making this customization.


    Chris Claghorn

    Which file do I modify the code of?


    Hello claghorn,

    You should be able to accomplish the customization you’re looking for by targeting the events query and using <a href="" target="_blank">pre_get_posts</a> within your theme’s functions.php file.

    When adding be sure to add your code immediately after the opening <?php tag or immediately before the closing ‘?>’ tag within your functions.php file.


    Chris Claghorn

    I’m a noob when it come to hand coding PHP, do I need to place that into an echo command?


    Hello claghorn,

    No problem. This doesn’t need to be echoed within the file.

    You’ll need to create a function that hooks to the pre_get_post() hook. Within that function you’ll modify the “order” query argument in a very similar manner as the snippet supplied in this thread.

    This should get you pointed in the right direction for modifying the order of events.




    It’s been a while since we’ve heard from you on this thread.

    I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to open a new one.


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