One Ticket Auto-Registers Another

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  • #1417524

    We have two tickets per item for our classes – a monthly ticket (pays for all classes in session) and a weekly ticket (pays for only specific dates). Suffice to say the recurring tickets not supported is a serious issue and should be a top priority, but I know that’s a long-term project you’re working on. So, we have the same event broken into individual events so we have tickets for the whole month. With that recurring events not an option, we want to know if there’s a way for anybody buying a monthly ticket auto-registers for another ticket (the weekly ticket) so they should up on the weekly class registration list, that gets auto-generated in wp-admin attendees list.

    This would be a big boost and allow the accurate class count to be reflected. Thanks.


    Hi Ezekial,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Unfortunately there isn’t a way to do what you are describing out of the box.  If you’d like to attempt this project on your own, I’d recommend taking a look at our Themer’s Guide to start.

    If this functionality is a requirement for your intended project, I’d suggest that a third-party developer would be the best way to make this feature happen on a short timeline. ? We maintain a list of developers who work with our plugins on our Knowledgebase here:

    You can also add this idea to our Feature Requests, as we tend to implement ideas based on customer feedback, so your input is greatly appreciated:

    Let me know how it goes and if you have any other questions along the way!







    Glad we could help, you are welcome back in our support forums any time!

    Since you marked this thread as Resolved, I am going to close this thread.

    Have a great week!

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