Not importing image, Unknown on last import time

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    Since last update aggregator is not importing images. I also continue to have the red circle with ! saying last import time is unknown even though I have them all set to import every 24 hours. The red circle SEEMS to appear on organizations that don’t often have anything to import.

    Reporting the same issue as:


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    Can you tell me which old version of the aggregator imports images as it should and is there any way to get access to that? I just press update instead of downloading manually when I update your plugin. Where can I find the older/working version? I really need it to work.

    on the 2nd issue, it seems to be just reporting errors randomly. I can’t tell yet if it fails or just SAYS that it fails.


    The Events Aggregator is definitely NOT importing when it says it is. Today I had an instance of this event not showing up on the calendar when it should have:

    When I checked, it said it had imported from this venue 44 minutes earlier BUT it had a red exclamation mark and that event was not in the calendar. I deleted the cache on my site to be sure & checked again, but event did not appear. I manually ran the importer for that venue, checked the site and THEN it appeared.

    That event was posted on facebook about 22 hours before my import ran. My import on that venue was set to 24 hours.


    Hey @Jskk123,

    Thanks for your patience over the weekend.

    In regards to getting older version of Event Aggregator, there is unfortunately no way to do this since Event Aggregator is not a plugin, it’s a service that you access through our plugin The Events Calendar.

    So you cannot access older versions of Event Aggregator — the code that makes up Event Aggregator is mostly on the server, not within The Events Calendar, so you cannot as easily “roll back” versions of Event Aggregator like you can a plugin like The Events Calendar or Events Calendar Pro.

    As for the specific Facebook event you shared, we released some improvements to Event Aggregator’s handling of scheduled imports in the recent maintenance release. I notice you’re using version of The Events Calendar — does anything improve if you update all of your The Events Calendar plugins (The Events Calendar, Events Calendar Pro, and Community Events) to the latest versions lists here? ?

    1. ↑ Once these are all updated, let us know if the scheduled imports seem to be behave any better.

    2. Next, can you please share links to the versions of events and FB pages that are having these problems with the scheduled imports? I will test to see what I find.

    — George


    I updated the plugins the moment they were available. Feeling like we are your testers… Does it actually work for you? Have you tested it? NO, it still doesn’t work.


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    The Facebook event links are always noted in the event details ON MY SITE, which is standard with your plugin Facebook import which is why I hadn’t included those links before.


    Known Issues

    this issue is still listed here – not even as “in progress” Contact me when it’s fixed.


    Hi @Jskk123,

    The image import issue is indeed a known issue and a bug is forthcoming, hopefully this week or next.

    In regards to the error messaging/scheduled import issues, when I try importing the Facebook event URL you posted I get an error to begin with, as shown here (click for a larger-sized image):

    I do not find this with other Facebook events and so am working with developers on our team to investigate this. Please stay tuned for more information — I will post again soon.

    Thank you for your patience,

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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