Need help modifying timestamp location in Events List widget

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  • #922694

    And another test:

    The snippet I was referring to is this one: It should style your calendar so that it looks like this: Simply pasting that in your functions.php. We plan to patch it so that when you update to 3.9.1 your widget will look like that anyways, because the unstyled bit is a bug in 3.9. The snippet fixes said bug.


    Please don’t delete this pagargraph:

    Please don’t delete this pagargraph either:


    Hi Brook and Brian,

    Thanks for your ongoing help with this issue and sorry about the hiccups in your new forums. I feel your pain!

    The code you gave me for my functions.php file worked great; thanks. However, I’d like to remove the date boxes and just have a text list:

    Removing box

    How can I do that?




    Well, that image didn’t show up very well. You can see it at:

    Sorry ’bout that.




    I guess my client changed his mind, so I think we can call this one closed.

    Thanks for your help!



    A fair question. I tried to respond with those instructions earlier but parts of it were deleted by the missing paragraph dilemma.

    There are two ways to do that. One would be to hide it, via CSS. Just include something like this in one of your CSS files:

    .tribe-events-adv-list-widget .list-date { display: none; }

    Another would be to follow our themer’s guide. If you create an override as per that tutorial for this file: /pro/widgets/modules/single-event.php then you can edit it as much as you want. You could remove those dates entirely from the HTML. This will update all widgets on your site to not show that date box. If however you only wanted to that for the list widget,  /pro/widgets/list-widget.php, and replace the call to the single-event.php filewith the code from /pro/widgets/modules/single-event.php. Now you can modify it and remove the dates. The last couple of sentences might make a lot more sense once you are looking at the file.

    Would either of those options work? Can I clarify anything to help you along, or answer other questions? Please let me know. And thanks again AJ for bearing with us.

    – Brook


    I see you updated the post while I was responding! Well that works too. If you need anything else please feel free to open a new topic. Happy to help. Since this one is resolved I am going to archive it as per our forum policy.


    – Brook

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