Need help modifying timestamp location in Events List widget

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    I have a formatting issue I need to resolve with my Events List widget. Currently, the list populates like this:
    day-of-week, day-of-month
    Name of event
    <month>day of month, year @ time

    What I need to have is:
    month, day of month, year @ time
    Name of event

    Where / how can I make this change?




    Hello AJ,

    Unforunately it sounds like you are facing a bug introduced in version 3.9 of our plugin. 🙁 We do have a version 3.9.1 in the works which fixes this. In the mean time we have a snippet that can be pasted in your theme’s functions.php file that also fixes it! If you don’t wish to wait, that snippet is an easy immediate remedy.

    Did that work? Can I help you further at all?


    – Brook


    Hi Brook,

    I don’t see any suggestions from you about how to accomplish this. Am I missing your response, or did we have a communications misfire? In any case, I still need some help.




    Hello again AJ,

    That is comical. I typed up a reply but the first paragraph is now missing! Not sure if that is user error or a glitch in our new site, probably user error. My bad.

    This is our default format: Month name, D @ HH:MM. You can see that in action in this screenshot. If so, you can change this format, by adding a year or putting the day before the month, by editing your date format settings in WP Admin > Events > Settings > Display, and editing the field “Date without year”.

    It looks to me like your site is not using our list widget, it is using the Mini Calendar widget but hiding the calendar and it’s missing the calendar styling. To fix that if you go to WP Admin > Appearance > Widgets, and delete the calendar widget but replace it with the list widget then your widget should look like my example screenshot above without the unstyled “Thu 09” and such appearing before each event title.

    Did that work? Do you have any other questions or anything?

    Thanks AJ!

    – Brook


    Hi Brooke,

    Thanks for your reply!

    We were using the list widget, but just to be on the safe side, I deleted the widget, then put it back. As you can see, we’ve still got the same thing going on.

    For a solution to my problem, I’m looking to have the time/date stamp on the line above the event title. I’d also like to get rid of that unstyled date (“Thu 09”).

    I may have made a child of the file that controls the event list widget, but I can’t figure out which file it is. Can you give me the name of the file, and I’ll rename it (so it doesn’t over-ride the default file), and see if that removes the unstyled bit?

    And also, can you help me with which code goes where (I’m assuming in that same child file) to move the date stamp above the event name?

    Thanks a bunch!



    OK, I think I found the file in question: /plugins/events-calendar-pro/views/pro/widgets/list-widget.php. Is that the default one?


    Ahh on closer inspection it is a list widget. I was reading the wrong thing in your source code. My mistake.

    The root of the problem is actually related to a bug in 3.9 that we plan to fix in 3.9.1. If you try pasting this snippet in your theme’s functions.php file then your widget will look like this.

    To answer your question about how to customize it, yes that is the exact file. You can modify it by following our themer’s guide tutorial. It will walk you through copy/pasting that file into your theme so that it can be properly customized. You probably want to paste that snippet first though, to make customization easier.

    Thank you for double checking. I apologize for the confusion I caused. You are welcome for the replies. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. If not, mind marking this resolved? Cheers!

    – Brook


    Ahh on closer inspection it is a list widget. I was reading the wrong thing in your source code. My mistake.

    The root of the problem is actually related to a bug in 3.9 that we plan to fix in 3.9.1. If you try pasting this snippet in your theme’s functions.php file then your widget will look like this.

    To answer your question about how to customize it, yes that is the exact file. You can modify it by following our themer’s guide tutorial. It will walk you through copy/pasting that file into your theme so that it can be properly customized. You probably want to paste that snippet first though, to make customization easier.

    Thank you for double checking. I apologize for the confusion I caused. You are welcome for the replies. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. If not, mind marking this resolved? Cheers!

    – Brook


    I am sorry for the double post. We are definitely having issues with the new site. For some reason it has once again removed a paragraph from my post. And no matter what I do I can not add it back it. I also can not delete the old one. We just launched yesterday so we will continue to work at this.

    The snippet I was referring to is this one: It should style your calendar so that it looks like this: Simple pasting that in your functions.php. We plan to patch it so that when you update to 3.9.1 your widget will look like that anyways, because the unstyled bit is a bug in 3.9. The snippet fixes said bug.


    – Brook


    It did it again! Will this work? Missing paragraph follows… The snippet I was referring to is this one: It should style your calendar so that it looks like this: Simple pasting that in your functions.php. We plan to patch it so that when you update to 3.9.1 your widget will look like that anyways, because the unstyled bit is a bug in 3.9. The snippet fixes said bug.


    It did it again! I am so sorry. This is ridiculous. I am trying to break this paragraph up into indificual sentences to see if it will post. The snippet I was referring to is this one:


    The snippet Brook was referring to is this one: It will make your calendar look like this: (28KB) Simple paste that in your functions.php. We plan to patch it so that when you update to 3.9.1 your widget will look like that anyways, because the unstyled bit is a bug in 3.9. The snippet fixes said bug.


    AJ, for whatever reason any paragraph which contains a link to the snippet I keep referring to will not post to our site. This is hilarious and very embarrassing. We are trying to figure that one out. I am going to email you directly.

    – Brook


    Look slike we are having some issues with the forum.

    However, if you add this snippet to your theme’s function.php

    It will fix the styling of the list widget.

    We are working on a release to fix this and hope to get that out ASAP, but this will fix it in the mean time.

    Let us know if this works for you.



    Pardon this, it is another test to confirm the above issue:

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