Multiple day events

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  • #1388830

    Hello 🙂

    Our understanding of a multiple day events is for instance an event that takes place on two or three consecutive days. That’s our challenge right now with Event Calendar Pro. (Later it might be, that we perhaps need multi days over multi weeks.)

    We have done some research and feel others have the same issue with Events Calendar:

    We followed the instruction: “Setup an event on the first that spans your timeframe, such as 8am-5pm, and then set it to recur for the next 2 days. This creates a series of events.”

    Our problem with current “TIME & DATE” options is that we end up with
    * first event occurrence doesn’t indicate information that it’s a two day event
    * full event information is duplicated, incl. pricing information which isn’t correct behavior (price is per multi day event, not per day). It is not possible to edit the re-occurrence entries to adjust information/pricing.

    After trying different options we can’t find a suitable configuration for our + our customers needs.

    We don’t need different times per reoccurring event as discussed here:
    However, also for us “to create separate events for each day in order to show a start and end time for each day.” doesn’t do the trick, as those events will be distinct events. totally separate calendar entries.

    In addition to above described issues, it seems that in the event download options (“+ Google Calendar”, “+ iCal Export”) re-occurrence information is lost (which adds to confusions).

    Please advice how to proceed?
    As this topic is in discussion since 2012, when will it addressed from the development team?
    Are there and calendars that cover multi day events better?

    Many thanks + best

    Reporting the same issue as:


    Hi Mario,

    Thanks for reaching out, and I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been able to get your events set up the way you need to!

    Just to make sure I understand correctly, it sounds like you need to create an event that spans multiple consecutive days, has separate start and end times for each day, and shows one price for the whole event?

    If you don’t need to display a specific start and end time on each day, then I would recommend setting the start time for when the event begins on the first day and the end time for when the event ends on the last day. This will make it clear to users that the multiple days are all one single event. You could also to create a custom field for a start and end time, for example using “Event begins/ends at” as the labels and then entering the times when you create the event. This way, it should be clearer to users that multiple days are part of one event, and you can still display the start/end time for each day (assuming they are the same for all days).

    Alternatively, if you want to show each days’s start and end time as the start and end time for the event, then the recurring events are going to be your best bet. It sounds like the problem with this method is that it is not clear to users that the series is one event (and the price appears to be as the price per day)? Unfortunately I’m not sure what to recommend as far as changing the display of recurring events, since each day/instance in the series will essentially be a copy of the first event. With a customization, you could potentially hide certain information (such as the price) on subsequent events in the series, or add a custom message after the price to indicate that it covers the entire event. If you’d like to go this route, our themer’s guide is the place to start! Our functions list would also be helpful.

    Regarding the export, iCal exports will currently be exporting as single events, but if you would like to have them exported as a series instead, you can use this snippet. Recurring events will also be exported as single events for Google, as the API that we use to add events can only export a single event at a time.

    Please let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions!




    Hello Jennifer,

    many thanks for your detailed answer.
    At the moment we can’t stay with “Events Calendar PRO.”
    How is the refund procedure? I don’t find an option under “My Account” to request refund.



    Hi Mario,

    I’m sorry Pro isn’t working out for you! You can request a refund by filling out the form on this page, and we’ll get it processed for you.

    If you have any other questions or would like additional assistance in getting it set up, please just let me know!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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