More than 11,000 events generated so far

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  • #1061128
    Mary Anne Harris

    Somehow one of our editors has set up a recurring event that is being written over and over to the database. Well over 11,000 instances so far. I tried deactivating both Events Calendar plugs and re-activating, the all plugins of and simple theme reversion and restoration trick, deleting the event from the “Edit All” view, enabling wp_debug for clues, killing any related cron jobs, flushing the site cache and making the file modification recommended at this link (very similar problem) … event-data-still-being-generated

    Help? Completely stumped on this. After making a backup, I even tried Event Data Cleanup, but the plugin is apparently so locked up that it ignored that as well.


    Hi Mary Anne. Yikes! Sorry you’re experiencing this.

    Could you please send me screenshots of the offending event’s wp-admin Edit Event screen so I can see what its recurrence pattern is set to? Please also send a link to the front-end view of that information.

    Last but not least, would you mind grabbing your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the “Set as private reply” checkbox to protect your private information from the public.

    You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings > Help tab > System Information section — or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?page=tribe-common&tab=help&post_type=tribe_events#tribe-system-info

    That will give me a lot of extra information to help diagnose the problem.

    Mary Anne Harris

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    Mary Anne Harris

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    Hi. The Event Add/Edit screen PDF helped.

    Check out this screenshot:



    That “March 1, 2016 events” is probably being interpreted by the plugin as “12,016 events” or something like that. That field should be a “count of events” field, not a “date deadline” field.

    Please revise that field to be something like “10 events” and let us know if that results in what we’d expect it to.

    I’ve logged this as a bug to improve this field to be more user-friendly.


    Mary Anne Harris

    Aha! Now that makes a difference. Thank you for considering a revision that will make proper use of said field more clear for users.


    Excellent. Glad that was it! 🙂



    Thank you for reporting this issue. We weren’t able to get a fix for it into our upcoming release (4.1). However, please know that the problem is still on our radar and is ticketed within our system to be addressed in a future maintenance release. We’ll do our best to keep you posted when we are able to get a solution in place. Thank you for your patience while we improve and expand our plugins.



    Hi There!

    Just wanted to share with you that a new release of our plugins is out, in which we are no longer able to reproduce the issue described here. This means that it may have been fixed before while working on other fixes/improvements.

    You can find out more about this release →

    Please update the plugins and see if it works for you. Don’t hesitate to open a new topic if anything comes up.


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