modifying Single-Event.php

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    I’ve tried to get to get this to work for hours. No longer worth my time. I should be able to copy the source and move it into my child-theme’s tribe-events directory per the themer’s guide. No such luck.

    Recommend you enable people to create theme packages to use instead. I can’t remove a simple image off the single-event.php because it’s still being read from the main theme source’s location.


    Hi Wexler,

    I’m sorry you haven’t been able to modify the template, but I’d be happy to help you get it figured out!

    First, can I ask which theme you are using? Some themes, like Avada for example, come with custom templates for our plugins already installed, so the process for editing them may be a little bit different than the one outlined in our themer’s guide (mainly that you would need to copy over and edit the template files from your theme instead of directly from the plugin).

    However, removing the image (I assume you’re referring to the featured image?) should be pretty straightforward. Try removing this line:

    <?php echo tribe_event_featured_image( $event_id, 'full', false ); ?>

    If that doesn’t work, can you please give me a little bit more detail as to what is going wrong (are you not seeing any changes at all when you edit the template, or are you getting unexpected results) and share your system info with me?




    Thanks for your reply Jennifer. Yes… I can go into PHP and figure out to
    remove the image. Actually, I like this template: *see attached*.

    Speaking of… you should enable TEMPLATES in your package… so that
    people don’t have to ‘roll their own’. It would make things so much
    easier…. even if they were available for purchase.

    The *attachment* is the look I’m trying to achieve but I can’t even get the
    file I’ve copied from source into my theme’s directory (under your
    directory name) to work.

    Oh and BTW, I’m using’s PRO theme. THey make the X theme. Im
    using the more advanced PRO theme.


    * GREGORY WEXLER | +1.818.783.8807 | [email protected] |
    Entrepreneur and FuturistPunctuality is the respect you have for another
    person’s time.*


    Hi Wexler,

    Unfortunately if you’ve attached images to your post, they did not come through – so I’m a little bit confused as to exactly what you’re not able to do. It sounds like you’ve copied over some of our events templates into your theme, but these copies aren’t working? I know some themes like Avada have their own templates within the theme that override our own templates, so if copying and editing our templates into your child theme isn’t working for you, I would recommend taking a look through your theme files to see if you see a tribe-events folder already in there.

    Regarding offering other templates, I can definitely see how that would be useful! Would you mind posting that in our Feature Ideas Forum? This is what we use to gauge user interest in new features and help guide future development efforts.

    If there is anything I can help you with in the templates, please let me know! If you could indicate exactly which templates you’re copying over, where you’re copying them to, and what changes you’re trying to make, I’d be happy to take a look and see what I can recommend!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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